Slumberland Records Drop Another from Peel Dream Magazine

It’s Slumberland Records, and it’s Peel Dream Magazine, and it’s just really, ridiculously good. The track teases you with this keyboard wash, but listening closely you can hear the guitar work underneath. When the curtains get pulled back to reveal the vocals, the guitar becomes slightly more prominent, though not overbearing. Once you’ve combined that with the softness of the vocals, you get this beautiful landscape where you the sonic resemblance of The Clientele running down a hill to meet the stylings of Stereolab; they meet, embrace and we’re all better for it. Modern Meta Physic will be out on October 4th!

I Dig This Black Belt Eagle Scout Ripper

I’m not sure what exactly I expected from a band entitled Black Belt Eagle Scout, but “Just Lie Down,” gives the kind of edgy darkness that some part of me knew was coming before I pressed play. Heavy percussion and squealing guitars greet your ears as soon as you press play; a dark introduction to the track which leads me to believe it comes after a solid jam on the forthcoming LP,Mother of My Children. About a minute in, the proper portion of the song begins, and you get the vocals of Katherine Paul, which are all reserved power, conveying emotional vulnerability as well as pure lushness. The track is a slow-burning beast of alt-rock goodness, making me excited for the September 14th release ofMother of My Children on Saddle Creek Records.

Pre-order it here.


Cool Sounds Share Cool Sounds

I’ve been into the work of Cool Sounds for just a bit, and with the announcement of a new LP on the horizon, lets get back on it. The opening minute and a half is a little more subtle than before, perhaps drawing inspiration from a more classic rock guitar sound, maybe even a fine slice of country. Still, the Melbourne outfit are a pop outfit, so they’re not turning their back on that sound, letting the tension build up until a funky little jam delivers pop sensibility to keep you all in check. Cactus Country will be out on October 26th via Osborne Again.

Single Lash Ready Prepare You for Providence

Single Lash might be one of Austin’s most under-appreaciated acts; they quietly released a beautiful LP back in 2016, and now they’re prepping Providence for you. The shoegaze element that resonates with most folks lurks in the background of this song, though I’m drawn to that cleaner guitar cut that seemingly dances its way through. But, Nicolas’ voice has this deep seductive quality that’s hard to ignore; it’s both powerful and soft at once, letting the guitars ring around his every note; it’s almost as if he’s calling to you through the noise in your speakers. I love the sublime fade out offering more of a shimmer as the tune turns to its close. Look for the album to drop on October 26th via Holodeck Records.

Punchy Pop from Adults

It’s been a minute since we’ve heard from UK outfit, Adults. But, I’m here to rectify that as the group just released an excellent cassette titled The Weekend Was Always Almost Over. One of my favorite things about the group is the way they use the juxtaposed male/female vocals to gift you brilliant ear candy; it’s not all saccharine though, as you’ll hear fuzzed out riffs blasting throughout the nine tracks jamming below. It’s a collection of songs that meets somewhere in the middle of Comet Gain and Los Campesinos…not a bad way to get your day started.

Deeply Intimate Song From Eliza Shaddad

My apologies for the lack of posts from RayRay over the last couple of days. As Nate and I get back into school mode, I often forget how to juggle the real world with the fun of ATH. That said, yesterday I really enjoyed this new track “This is My Cue” from London artist Eliza Shaddad. It’s a very personal, driving song similar to a slower ballad from Cat Power or Best Coast. I think you will be hearing A TON more buzz about Eliza Shaddad in the very near future.

Eliza will release her debut album Future on October 26th via Beatnik Creative.

Striking Opus from Rabbit Island

Admittedly, when I stumbled upon the music of Rabbit Island, I knew very little of Amber Fresh and her project. But, with her forthcoming album, she seems to have struck a cord within me that’s not easily ignored. For instance, this track has this emotive organ as the key musical element; I, oddly, don’t even think it needs much more than that. Amber operates between spoken word and half-hearted song throughout, and its her dedication to musical patience that draws you further into the depths of the song. Deep In the Big is going to take me on a magical journey, and I couldn’t be happier about it; it drops this week via Bedroom Suck Records.

New Silver Girl Shares Starlight City

Finnish outfit New Silver Girl have a new album on the horizon for October, and today we’re happy to share with you the latest single. This tune has a bit of a glam glitz to it, and not just because of the video attire; it also has this slight vocal hiccup that recalls some of Bowie’s best vocal inflections. But, there’s something polished and glossy about the tune, perhaps due to producer Gordon Raphael, who also worked with the Strokes and Hinds. He knows his way around taking the gritty details and turning them into rock n’ roll gems; this is another such occasion. Look for the album to drop in late October via Finland’s best, Soliti Music.

One Last Saturday Night Jam Before the LP Drops

This Friday Gentle Reminder Records will release the much-anticipated new LP from DC outfit Saturday Night. But, before they drop that LP, why not tease you with one more insatiable single. It opens with this heavy-ish riff…a little funky until the drums come in and change the song’s attitude. They roll over that riff, matched with the vocals to craft this melody you can’t put down. Slowly, the background starts to fill with little whispers, growing more prominent until Nora bursts forth to provide the perfect accent to the track. There’s enough bravado and fun in the rambunctious closing minute that you can’t help but let a smile crack across your face. Order the self-titled album right HERE!

Stuck Jamming This New Wild Powwers Tune

Wild Powwers description of their new single is quite fitting, calling it ‘a tsunami’ one is trying to escape…except just like they exclaim, you can’t escape it; it sweeps you up. The drums have a hard roll, while ominous guitar lines slink in and out of the front of the mix; there’s a haunting howl from below, like a siren’s call. Then they jump into a heavy stomp, bubbling with hints of sinister pop undertones. The group unleashes their pow[w]ers upon us in the song’s closing minutes, reveling in the tsunami’s final destruction. The group will release Skin on October 12th via Nadine Records.

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