Jittery Rocker from Axis : Sova

Simple style and execution are sometimes the only things you need to pull off a catchy pop song, such as the latest hit from Axis: Sova. Immediately your ear will gravitate to the jittery guitar stabs, while the vocals have this clever brattiness to it; those vocals are joined by a gang vocal approach that adds a hook factor to the tune, not to mention encourages you to jump right in and join the fun! It’s short, sweet and to the point…with just the occasional guitar soloing frill. Shampoo You drops on November 16th via God? Records.

Rays Drop New Single

Oakland outfit Rays don’t want you to get too comfortable with their “sound,” and they don’t want you to get too comfy with your pop music. They enter the fray here with discordant guitars ringing and a rolling drum beat that sets the mood for a matter-of-fact vocal delivery. But, put your ear next to the speaker, real close like. You’ll hear a slight buzz throughout, an additional layer perhaps added by the bands newest member, keyboardist Britta; it also sounds like horns are brought in as well, so you’re getting far more than you bargained for with your average pop song. It’s frantic, almost spastic, yet wound tightly by superior musicianship so that your ears won’t know what hit ’em. Look for the band’s new LP You Can Get There From Here via Trouble in Mind Records on November 9th.

New White Fence Tune

I love how a lot folks, myself included, sort of pigeon-holed Tim Presley; he was a more nostalgic garage rocker of sorts…and perhaps his friendship with Ty Segall, while great, allowed us to overlook his flare for exploratory pop music. He’s been doing it for several releases with Drinks, and this new single seems to hint at a continued progression. This number gets filled in and out with the odd little bit of electronic sounds, but I’d spend all my money just to hear the chorus of “Lorelei;” its warm and inviting, rising above the mix. If, like me, you’re a Tim fan, you can grab the next White Fence album, I Have to Feed Larry’s Hawk, on January 25th from Drag City.

Mesmerized By Old Sea Brigade

I know Nate and I have been using the word beauty a lot when describing songs recently, and it’s incredible to see how much great stuff we’re being sent. If I’ve ever called a song beautiful in the past, they will pale in comparison to this new track from songwriter Ben Cramer and his musical project known as Old Sea Brigade. It is not only a mesmerizing piece of songwriting, it’s also a heartfelt and truly emotional dedication to a friend of Cramer who was lost to suicide recently. Even the toughest of the tough will feel the sheer power of this song.

Old Sea Brigade will release new LP Ode to a Friend on January 4th via Nettwerk.

Stunning New Track from The Ocean Party

I’ve made no secret of my adoration for The Ocean Party over the years, but every time I feel like I’ve peaked, they go off and release something incredible. Their latest single teases you, sliding in ever so quietly…touch of electronic atmosphere and voice opens; then guitar and gang vocals join before the beat kicks the track forward. The forlorn keyboards and meandering guitar would be enough, but suddenly the tune bursts forth, slide guitar and full band working away. It creates one of those magical moments you get so rarely in pop music, the sort that makes you feel lucky to even be here listening. Their new LP, The Oddfellows Hall, drops on November 9th via Emotional Response/Spunk Records.

Stream New Silver Girl’s Self-Titled LP

We’ve shared a couple of tunes off this New Silver Girl LP, but now we can share the whole release in its entirety. The album kicks off with heavy, hook-laden riffs, though they’re spun in this atmospheric manner that allows the band to pull in some pop sensibility; it doesn’t hurt on some of the more exploratory tracks like “Phantom Ride.” Of course, a great LP never works if you’re not willing to differentiate, so you get softer numbers like “Tennessee” and “Alms,” or groovier rockers like “Starlight City.” It’s an album that’s all over the map, but in the best of ways, turning and exploring within the confines of these ten tracks; it sounds like a best of rock n’ roll soundtrack. You can get your hands on the self-titled LP from Soliti this Friday.

Did You Listen to Featherfin?

It’s okay, as I didn’t spend much time with Featherfin and the new album, Miles to Go Before I Sleep…until a slight push of encouragement from Jeremy Jensen of The Very Most. Jeremy plays/sings on one of the standout tracks, but the whole release is just a collection of great voices supporting Featherfin to flesh out the songs. I included “Helen Richey” below, as that’s the song I jumped to first but don’t be afraid to invest some time in listening to the whole thing; it’s a gorgeous collection of pop songs that will guarantee a little bit of swooning goes into your day.

What a Beautiful Beirut Tune

I have to admit that I lost the plot with Beirut somewhere down the line…those feelings of being overcome just sort of faded away…though I still put on Gulag O. from time to time. And then today, I dared to click on the new Beirut album, and lo and behold, the brilliance is back. The band’s latest tune has this softened percussive gallop and a wondrous horn section; I have to acknowledge I got swept up right away. Then Zach’s voice hits, soaring in its baritone manner, losing me in the great swirling storm of emotive pop. Maybe it’s time I revisit my old friend; look for Gallipoli in February on 4AD.

Happy Pop from Lloyd Meadows

Lloyd Meadows reached out to us from across the sea, and I feel like we shine some light on this 15 year old songwriter. Don’t worry one bit, the age is irrelevant, as he’s writing with a maturity far beyond his ears. His guitar lines have faint crystalline qualities, sparkling against Meadows’ deep vocal tones, crafting a contrast the fits perfectly for guitar pop. There’s a certain earnestness too, here, which perhaps could be due to age, but perhaps could play a bigger role in our own lives. If you have a minute, sit down and listen to Lloyd.

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