ATX News with Linen Closet and Jana Horn

I reckon as an Austin-based site, we’ve got to rep our fabulous locals (but only the fabulous ones). Yesterday a couple of our favorite acts shared some things, and I’d like to share them with you.

Linen Closet dropped the latest single from their forthcoming LP, which will drop this week, with a celebratory show at Central Presbyterian with our friends David Israel and Marmalakes. If you’re looking for well-crafted indie rock, of the orchestrated sort, then this is the place to be.

Also, Jana Horn had a couple of releases, uploading her recent tour tape, as well as adding to a few of the tidbits from her forthcoming Optimism LP. She’s got three tunes up, but this is perhaps my favorite. I love how her voice comes in soft, but there’s a sharp twist when her voice grabs pace (like at the 35 second mark). Can’t wait to hear the entirety of the new LP.

Alpaca Sports Share Video

Earlier this year our favorites Alpaca Sports released the indiepop mega-hit album, From Paris with Love via Elefant Records. Today they’re super excited to share with you the video version of album opener, “I’ll Do Anything You Want.” The video has the duo set on film, with that film set atop other images in the background; it’s charming, as is the original track. Admittedly, I’m a sucker for Andreas guitar jangling, not to mention the way the two blend their harmonies into one another. Plus, if you go grab the digital single, it comes with a B side not included on the album version!

Swirling New Single From Wooing

What crazy, dreary Monday it is here in Austin, TX. I know most of us will welcome the change of weather, but I also find myself a little sleepy and moving slow. To improve my spirits and yours, why not check out this new single called “Could Have Been” from my friends in Wooing. It’s a dreamy, swirling bit of dream pop music with some fun elements of garage and psych thrown in to make things really interesting. This track appears on a new 7″ single coming from Wooing on November 9th via Kanine Records.

Stuck on Jonathan Franco

I can’t help but to keep playing this Jonathan Franco track over and over; it’s like some seductress, drawing me in when I least expect it. Franco has a slew of references I can get behind, like Bedhead and Silver Jews…and I’m probably way far off here, but I also here a little bit of early Grandaddy in the song’s construction. Jonathan is soft-spoken, at least in this mix, and he’s crafted this magnificent wall of noise that swirls around and around, entrancing you as you listen. I promise you that you’ll come back to this number again and again, finding new secrets with each listen. You’ll find this tune on Swimming Alone Around the Room, which drops November 9th.

Pleased To Meet You: Lights on Moscow

I’ve probably spent a decent amount of time with the music of the two musicians who make up Lights on Moscow (Justin of Editors, Hazel of Lanterns on the Lake), but I didn’t expect them to give birth to this striking sound. The duo spend a good minute just building the tension with ambient noises encircling. Drums begin to emerge, covered by this heavy riff that begins as an added musical layer, before, itself, adding further textures to its own sound. Hazel’s voice sits perfectly amidst the entirety of the tune, sort of wavering between angelic and wispy, riding the natural ebbs and flows of the tune. Together they’ll release their debut EP on October 19th.

Loving This New J Fernandez

The end of the year is rapidly approaching, which means we’ve got to get our year-end list started! But, before we go that route, there’s still a few solid releases hanging on in 2018, like this forthcoming LP from J Fernandez. It has this timeless blend of classic pop arrangements, and structures, with some psychedelic guitar touches bringing the kids back to the table. There are some electronic elements that create the perfect cocoon to wrap around J’s melodies, and in such a way that there’s just a hint of oddity, so you’re guaranteed to steer clear of run of the mill. Occasional Din will be out on November 9th via Joyful Noise.

Chilled Pop from Way Dynamic

I love the simplicity of Melbourne’s Way Dynamic, especially on the latest single. It’s a pretty easy formula in my eyes, offering up light guitar strumming, minimal percussion and some warbling electronics for spiritual support. Of course, if the vocals weren’t so musically attractive it could all fall to pieces, though luckily that’s not the case, with the perfect care given to the melodies. It’s the best way to start out your Monday, drifting into this wintry mix outside my window. The band have a new EP titled What’s It All For Now, which will be released on November 16th via Our Golden Friend.

Another Bad Sports Single

While most of the ATH crew is out having fun at ACL for weekend two, RayRay is here with more new tunes from our friends Bad Sports. Having already heard new single “Don’t Deserve Love” it was clear that the boys could still bring the sweet rock pain to your ears. Now with this new single and title track from the upcoming album, “Constant Stimulation”, it is again confirmed that Bad Sports are still creating unique punk rock music with their own spin to it. Once again, welcome back gents.

Bad Sports will release Constant Stimulation on October 29th via Dirtnap Records.


Another Track from Papercuts

We’re just about a week away from the release of the new Papercuts album, and the band just released one of my favorite tracks from the LP. I love the underlying energy from the rhythm section, which works in contrast to the smoky haze of Jason Quever’s voice; the guitar’s, too, carry on an energetic tone. It’s the perfect juxtaposition, allowing the listener to get carried away by the uplifting spirit, whilst still delving into moments of reflection. If you’re willing to let music carry you away again, perhaps you’ll pick up Parallel Universe Blues on October 17th via Slumberland.

Premiere: New Calvin Locklear Joint

Our local Austin amigo Calvin Locklear just released a new EP and he’s been kind enough to let us premiere a new single from the release. “Hottest Hell” is the featured single from the EP and it’s a solid piece of driving rock music with just enough pop elements to warrant it for repeat plays. If you’re digging it, Locklear also has his entire new EP Hottest Hell streaming on all platforms. As if you needed more reasons to love the Austin music scene, welp here ya go.


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