Win Tickets to An Horse at Barracuda on May 5th

After a long hiatus, Aussie duo An Horse are returning with their brand new album, Modern Air this Friday. We’ve heard several of the tracks, all just as convincing as when the band left us with Walls back in 2011. But, more importantly, the band return to Austin this Sunday at Barracuda, and seeing as it’s never easy to catch an Australian band in the States, you should jump at the chance to win free tickets! Plus, the group will be joined by local powerhouse, Lola Tried.

All you have to do to win two tickets is pick a number between 1-1000, leave it in the comments, or tweet it at us! The only hint I’m giving you is that it’s not my favorite number! You’ve got 48 hours! Go!

Regular old tickets are HERE.

Mesmerized By This New GRMLN

GRMLN, currently out of Osaka, Japan, has received a slew of positive praise on ATH over the last several years. It’s crazy because we’ve seen the group go from a post-emo sound, to a more garage rock sound, and then even to a more polished Strokes style sound. Well it seems like we are headed back in time a bit as this new single “Half Moon Bay” harkens back to the beginnings of the band with a more dream pop/mellowed out vibe. Personally, I love it when a band becomes known for one thing and then throws us all for a loop with something totally different. I’m loving this one.

A new album is coming from GRMLN soon with a release date not yet announced. Stay tuned.

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Bleached Announce Don’t You Think You’ve Had Enough

It looks and sounds like Bleached are heading for pop stardom, well, if we could transport them back to the late 70s. Today they announce Don’t You Think You’ve Had Enough, and the first single has this super retro vibe to its correlating video, all the way down to the hair blowing in the wind. The PR for this references the Damned and Paramore, which definitely fits with the pop vibe of this tune, but I can’t help but to think of a solid Blondie comparison throughout this number; it’s like they’re blending those parallel lines between punk and pop, and doing so perfectly. Dead Oceans will release the new effort on July 12th.

Austin City Limits Festival 2019 Lineup

Austin City Limits Festival has decided to hold on to the momentum established last year making some bold choices for artists from top to bottom. Guns and Roses are the truly random selection that will be either a spectacle or a spectacle; I’m hoping for the best, but the random thing would be seeing “Live Or Let Die” two years in a row with fireworks. Other artists we will be locked in on – The Cure, Idles, Tame Impala, Thom Yorke Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes, The Raconteurs, FIDLAR, Cherry Glazerr, Men I Trust and randoms.

I am sure there will be more developments as we get closer. Wristbands on sale at 12pm CT. Let’s get weird.

Another Stunner from Big Thief

We’re no strangers to the incredible tunes that Big Thief have already blessed us with, so we’re very excited about their upcoming record that’s out this Friday on 4AD. Today, they’ve released a new track from U.F.O.F. called “Century,” which grooves along in this unassuming jazzy way that will have you at peace this Tuesday. As always, Lenker’s voice takes the spotlight; its immaculate restrained power loud in the mix. Not to be outdone by the ever-present shimmery acoustic guitar and the brief electric guitar solo that leads you out of the tune. I’m very much looking forward to hear the rest of the tracks on U.F.O.F. , which you can pre-order here.

New Wave Hit From Prudence

Prudence is the moniker for Tom Crandles of Au.Ra and it’s under this name that he’s making new wave bangers such as “Smile & Nod.” This track apparently began with an infectious bass line and flourished from there. You’ll immediately note said bass part upon first listen, as it provides the groovy undertone while the distorted, echoey vocals and jangly guitars play higher in the mix. Later on, you get some upbeat percussion and glittery synth sounds to round it all out into a tune for repeated listens. This track is taken from Prudence’s upcoming debut EP, Major Tom, which will be out on May 10 via Forged Artifacts.

Mal Blum Share Pity Boy

It seems Don Giovanni has their finger on some of the most energetic pop rock out there; they brought me Bad Moves and now they’re giving us a new LP from Mal Blum, which sounds pretty awesome so far. Lyrically this song seems to be about personal acceptance, on the surface that deals with saying no when you “don’t want to.” Somehow the song seems to operate on deeper levels, but the catchy hooks seem to disguise this behind anthemic delivery and huge pop riffs. I love that serious issues are being woven into the exhilaration of a good pop rock tune; you can think and be deep, yet still have a ball. Look for Pity Boy on July 12th.

Ludovic Alarie Shares New Tune

You’ve got to be doing something right when Blonde Redhead wants to put out your record, and if you listen to Ludovic Alarie is doing, you can definitely see why. The Quebec native switches back and forth between French and English on his latest album, and this tune has him working with the former. It allows someone like me (non-French speaking) to really treat the vocals as an added instrument; that seems natural, as they have this feathery melody that seems to be born inside Alarie. Musically, it’s casually chilled pop, like you’ve taken elements of bossanova and dream pop and put them in a lounge to kick it while sipping on a nice Scotch. We’re a Dream Nobody Wrote Down will be out on May 10th via ChouChou Records and Asa Wa Kuru.

Start Tuesday with Dumb

If you’re like me, you need about another day of the weekend to catch up, so you might be struggling on this Tuesday morning. It’s probably best if we kick off this day with something that’s got a little bit of a punch. This new Dumb number doesn’t even give you a chance before force-feeding crunchy riffs and wonky vocals right down your gullet. Sure, you can hear a slight angular jangle in the twisting of the verses, but by and large the band’s pushing heavier riffage through the speakers as the rhythm section has you pogoing right out of your damn office chair. Get up, get loud and get Dumb, but save your best dance moves for that secret sax solo! Club Nites drops June 7th via Mint Records.

New Ballad from Emma Russack

Emma Russack has made these pages on several occasions; she popped up with Permanent Vacation, and then later on her collaboration with Lachlan Denton. But, today we’re pleased to inform you that she’s announced a new LP, and we’ve got the title track working below. The whole of this song revolves around Russack and the piano; the rhythm section hangs out quietly, filling in some of that space just when they’re called upon. There’s this forlorn delivery that Emma seems to have mastered here, adding to the solemn mood emanating from your speakers; it’s a pretty powerful performance, and one I deem worthy of your ears. If you like, Winter Blues will be out on July 5th via Osborne Again Music.

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