Dehd Share On My Side

Some bands brandish their simplicity like a bag of honor, and I have to tell you that Dehd is one such act, maximizing their emotional pull in a minimalist manner. Jason Balla takes the reigns on this song, delivering his lines with a mixture of croon and spoken word; Emily Kempf belts out this quivering chorus, almost as if she’s reaching out to us from a far away dimension. And, speaking of Emily, she’s also the star of the video, fiercely walking along the highway, at times celebrating life with a shuffle and a hop as the music rings out discordantly. I’m still perplexed by how intoxicating this band can be, and having witnessed it in person at SXSW, you’re in for a treat when Water Out drops via Fire Talk on May 10th.

Sunny Pop From YOKE LORE

YOKE LORE is the moniker for New York based indie pop artist Adrian Galvin, who is on his way to releasing hisAbsolutesEP. This track, “Chin Up,” offers you a pick me up if you’re feeling down, or just a pleasant refrain to keep you going. Galvin’s vocals greet you right off the bat, with their distinct crispness ringing out with great clarity. Underneath, you get building drums and the softest strumming of acoustic guitar. In the chorus, there’s hand-clap-esque percussion that pushes the track forward and gives you something to toe tap to. It’s a lovely indie pop number with an uplifting vibe that is perfect for a spring day.



Energetic Number from Delsbo Beach Club

I’ve been hyping Delsbo Beach Club since their creation it seems, and with their new EP on the horizon, I’m going to keep pushing you their way. Their latest single opens up with this slinky bounce, almost as if they’re channeling Madness…only in a more frantic fashion. Then the song takes on this gritty beach vibe, perhaps akin to recent stuff from Growlers. All of that gets woven around a tight rope of pop sensibility, executed in under 2 minutes so you can easily hit play and start all over again. At the end of the month, the band’s new EP drops via Rama Lama Records.

Bedroom Pop from Shawn Kim

Wanted to sort of kick off Tuesday with something playful that came across the old desk this week…a new track from Canadian Shawn Kim. He kind of teases the listener, sort of like Majical Cloudz, operating with this theatrical vocal riding atop a simple groove, a la the majority of classic bedroom pop. But, at the one minute mark, the beat drops in and the song begins to swell and blossom; it ends up fading back out through the song’s latter half, but that hook, however brief, really drove this song into my subconscious…like a bedroom version of Jens Lekman or something.

Dumb Return with Club Nites

When Dumb released Seeing Green last year, I blasted that record plenty; it was spastic and fun, yet filled with just enough hooks to satiate a pop nerd like myself. Today the band announce Club Nites, a new collection of tunes, though stylistically, it seems quite similar. It’s got that sort of wonky punk progression, bordering on being just a bit nerdy why keeping the listener a bit off balance. The vocals get delivered with this matter-of-fact spoken word, taking on the style popularized by art-school punkers of late. But, just as I thought I had it all figured out, the track spins and sputters with this angular tailspin that gets out of control before the band bring things right back to order. Club Nites will be out June 7th via Mint Records.

Promising New Single From Youth Sector

Brighton, UK based band Youth Sector just sent over this new single “Run” and I though it needed to be shared with the ATH community. I immediately loved the way these guys create this mixture of 80s rock like Devo with some nice and bright elements of Brit pop. For me, the band is really creating something unique with the blend of these two styles and I expect we’ll be hearing more about them soon. We’ll of course share more tunes as we get them.

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