Normil Hawaiians Get Reissue Treatment

One of the great things about the wealth of information at our fingertips, to me, has to be the discovery of acts long ago forgotten. And Upset the Rhythm, having already reissued More Wealth Than Money have opted to follow up that album by re-issuing What’s Going On, the 1984 album from Normil Hawaiians. This track, like the album, is just this sonic exploration pulled off in post punk fashion. It begins with what almost sounds like looped tapes, something we’re all familiar with by now…just before the guitar begins to ring through your speakers in that angular stomp. Vocalist Guy Smith enters the frame, wailing on the high (and is that a whistle?); it’s working in complete contrast with the propulsive rhythm section, yet it’s all tied tightly together. Later bits of the song get these little stabbing riffs cutting through the vibe, and then bam, we’re done. This is an intoxicating introduction to a group I knew little about.

Nervous City Nervous Self

David Josephson set his Nervous City Nervous Self project a lofty goal; he wanted to be Sweden’s Leonard Cohen. But, other than the poetic leanings and the deep vocal tones, Josephson is clearly branding his own pop adventure. There’s this gentle electronic pulse that moves the song forward; it’s right in long with countless other pop songwriters from Sweden…hook laden and easily digestible. A nice little piano touch rounds the track up, fading quietly into your Monday. In the video you get a trio of travels throughout the world, with a character I think we can assume is Josephson itself…watch below to see where he goes!

KVRX Fest Starts Tonight: Bands to Catch and Things To Know!

In case you were wondering what you were doing with your weekend, look no further, as we’ve got a new fest that combines both great local faves and touring acts in small venues. Yes, that’s right! The inaugural KVRX Fest is upon us starting tonight, and for the low price of 45 bucks you get three stages and 40 bands, both local and national, to help kill your Friday and Saturday. Yesterday, B.Gray shared the schedule with you, and after the jump I’ve got my lineup picks as well as more information on what happens if it rains!

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Chill Indie Folk Pop From Simen Mitlid

It’s a Friday, which means we’re very close to a weekend and thus chill vibes are all that should be on your mind. To help you get into that mindset, I’m happy to share this new track from Norway’s Simen Mitlid. Hailing from Os, Simen Mitlid is generating lush indie folk pop that will put your mind at ease with its gentle guitars, mellow vocals and bright melodies. “Trying” is Mitlid’s latest single, and it’s a gorgeous two minutes of folk pop bliss, juxtaposing the lightness of the instrumentation with Mitlid’s whispery, warm vocals. My only complaint with this tune is that I wish it was longer, but I’ve solved that problem by putting this one on repeat. Take a listen and enjoy.

Stream Gone for Good by Smiles

If I had one thing I could bestow upon you all it would be the gift of the SLR30 Single Series…especially after this week’s installment news of Wildhoney…but that’s not just it…now we’ve got Smiles. This track is that perfect Friday tune, heavy-handed pop riffs blasting behind you as you cruise towards that pop sunset; the warm melody recalls the band’s home state of California, as well as a nod to Teenage Fanclub. The last 30 seconds are interesting, fusing a bit of classic rock vibes with these vocal tones that aren’t too far off from Elliott Smith’s croon. 30 years of great music, and lets hope it carries on for 30 more with songs like this one.

No Museums Share The Mail Train

Canadian outfit No Museums generally gives us something new to listen to each year, and it looks like we’re on the cusp of a new LP as the band have just uploaded a new tune/video. It’s definitely a track built upon the tension of the guitar chords, pushing the train (mail train?) along with very minimal percussive elements; they’re hiding out there in the woods while the guitar is up front in the mix. The vocals sort of hang in the middle of the tune, like traditional slow-core…not overbearing, but just audible enough for you to be hooked on the lyrics. It looks like The Artifact is Nothing is going to be a great guitar album; and there are hints we’ll hear it before May is up!

London Outfit Sleep Eaters Announce Debut EP

I don’t know what it is about this Sleep Eaters song, but I just can’t quit it; I think I’ve played the opening 50 seconds over and over again. It’s got this real early post-punk feel, almost as if Television decided they wanted to get gritty again for an instant. Then, we’re flipped upside down as this jangling garage bounce rolls its way right into the tune; there’s still that cool indifference to the vocal delivery, made even cooler in the brief delivery of the chorus. Bits of swagger, nostalgically huge riffs and angular guitar lines are a sure fire way into this fella’s heart; look for their debut EP via PNKSLM on later in 2019.

Pleased to Meet You: Jettes

Berlin’s Gurr have been bopping around for the better part of the last ten years, and this year the group really hit home with their She Says EP. Why is that important in this Jettes post, you ask? Well, Laura Lee of Gurr is also one half of Jettes, along with Melody Connor who moved from Seattle out to Berlin to write the aforementioned EP. Our first taste is this fuzzy pop number, hazy in both its video and musical presentation; I love the cascading guitar line that sort of dives in the distance if you put your ear close to the speakers. Plus, there’s this little momentary breakdown with some soundbites in it that leaves the band with plenty of room to grow in different directions. Real excited to hear more from these two!

Young Mammals Share Lost in Lima

As a Texas based blog, we’ve got to rep the state whenever possible, especially when its an act we’re already committed to: Young Mammals. They’ve recently announced Lost in Lima, their new LP…and below it the album’s title track; they had me hooked before hearing the song when they name dropped Wire and Neruda in the recording process. For my two cents, this song is bordering on jangle; it’s got its own bit of fog that sort of hangs over the group, which actually makes the pop sensibility billow through your speakers as things progress. I love the softness of the vocals, like a nice bit of frosting on an already delicious cake. The new record will be out on Wallflower Records on June 22nd.

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