Nancy Shares Orange Yellow Orange

I didn’t realize there was so much hype around Nancy, but to an extent, I think there’s at least some reason to get a little buzzed here. Stylistically, this surely falls under the bedroom pop, with even Nancy claiming the song was written during lockdown. I think the bubbling little burst that shines through around the 1:20 marks is really nice, and perhaps playing that up a bit more would have won over tons of folks. Instead, the song pulls back, happy to kind of retreat into its own quiet solitude. This track will feature on Happy Oddities EP, which comes out on August 7th via B3SCI.

Cindygod Sign with Fire Talk

It seems like Fire Talk is destined to have a really great year, as far as labels go. They’ve got releases from Deeper, Pure X and Dehd…now there’s news that they’ve signed Cindygod for the band’s forthcoming EP 2. The band is compromised of Andy and Craig from Gauntlet Hair, which definitely still feels like its at play on their new project. Sure, they’re channeling their various perceptions of what noise rock is through a dreamier pop spectrum, yet it still has this darker nature lurking beneath, something unsettling and sublime all at once. Only five songs, but the first one’s a doozy! EP 2 drops on August 14th.

Stutter Steps Share Leafy Dreams Video

It’s easy to get lost in this pandemic situation, so much so that I neglected to devote enough time to the excellent new Stutter Steps LP, which has been out for a wee bit now. Reeling is chock full of both warm ballads and upbeat fuzz pop songs. One of the more calming tracks, “Leafy Dream,” is here with the video treatment; it’s as nature-oriented a visual as the song itself, using minimal percussion and the faintest hint of backing vocals to seduce you, while the song seemingly takes you on a hike through the forest with Ben’s music your willing accompaniment. Come to mention it, there’s quite a bit of nature imagery on this record; you can stream it all right HERE. For now, enjoy the tune and the video, and pick up the album!

Waves of Dread Share Another Single

Not too far off from the release of II by Waves of Dread, and with that, we get the next single as promised. This one begins in the band’s more traditional fashion, screeching guitars shattering that noise barrier from the get-go. Still, the vocals sink back into the mix, pulling back the covers on the band’s pop sensibility. The band still find some room for sonic experimentation too, though I’m quite partial to those high-noted sparkles around the 1 minute mark. I think the promise of this EP comes with all the toying around; the band still feels very young in the grand scheme of things, so they’re all about exploration within the confines of their musical tastes…and as of now…Im right there with them.

Helena Deland Readies Debut LP

The last time we were all able to gather for SXSW, Helena Deland was very much on the minds of many, particularly with the success of Altogether Unaccompanied. She’s been fairly quiet until now, mostly spending her time touring, but it looks like that debut LP is finally in the works.We get our first glimpse with this new song “Lylz,” in part inspired by the story of the Boulanger sisters, with the other part a nod to the devoted friendship of the song’s namesake. I love the heavy breath of the vocals in the beginning, working over really quietly strummed notes. Like the burning candles (fashioned as the Boulanger sisters), notes flicker and in an instant the song begins to soar into a more celestial sort, leading to the introduction of steady rhythm to propel the track to its close. Very much an artists to keep your eye on as the year draws to a close.

Thibault Drop Drama

With backing from Kathleen Hanna and Ad Rock, you better believe that the hype train has Thibault on board, but of course a band with members of Parsnip, Ocean Party and more was always going to be high upon our list. Press nods have mentioned a Stereolab (even a nod from Tim Gane) resemblance, and its definitely a vibe you can hear on the band’s latest single, “Drama.” There’s that infectious bobbing organ grind that rides through the song, with the vocals cooly layers on top of it all. I think for me, one of my favorite things about this style is the layering of various instruments to build in that texture; just listen for the horns built in around the 2:20 mark to hear precisely what I’m talking about. Just another sign that we’ve got great things coming when Or Not Thibault drops on September 4th via Chapter Music.

Chantel Van T Shares Rumble and Crawl

Looks like my focus this morning is on keeping you pretty sedate, at least so far as things are shaping up here. I stumbled across this beautiful track from South African artists Chantel Van T, who also fronts the group Diamond Thug. Let’s be real here though…if you don’t hear the incredible similarities to the much adored Hope Sandoval, I got nothing for you. Chantel drapes her syllables in the same dramatic fashion; I love that forlorn guitar in the distance too, filling the bucket with every drop of emotion possible. This tune features on the forthcoming solo debut Nicalochan.

Slow Caves Share New Single

Feel like we should start this week off with something on the dreamier side of things, like this new track from Slow Caves. For me, I was really digging on the fact that it appropriately balances the better parts of Britpop with the heavier shoegaze sounds. That fuzz and distortion, however, hangs in the song’s background, so it’s not overbearing, allowing the band’s pop sensibility to kind of shine through that atmospheric wash of guitar noise. I really loved the ending vocals, with the way “not ok” kind of hits a higher, more urgent note; it reminded me in a lot of ways of Ash…which is never a bad thing. Enjoy!

Flower Graves Share Ociin Video

About a year out from the release of Living in Disguise, Flower Graves return with a psychedelic visual adventure…that’s not to mention the song’s sonic delight. The accompanying idea for this new single utilizes bright flashes and a technique that seemingly melts bright colors into one another, forming visuals along the way; leave breadcrumbs so you don’t lose yourself in the trance inducing jaunt. Turning to the musical element, you’re going to get rewarded there as well. Guitars cascade, creating this lush cavernous world; you can feel the guitars echoing through walls, sound reverberating through endless passages. The vocals share a similar attitude, densely coated, squeezing through crevices and calling to you like a haunted siren beckoning you to follow. It’s a pretty remarkable tune, and one we think you’ll fall in love with immediately; brought to you courtesy of Wallflower Records.

Mark W. Georgsson Shares One of a Kind

We’ve been keeping a close eye on Last Night from Glasgow, and they’ve got a new release on the horizon that I’m just now checking into, Mark W. Georgsson. His sound is a bit along the lines of folk/Americana, but what really attracted me to this single is the way the arrangements are layered to really create a swell of pop sensibility amidst the more traditional. Strings and bouncing piano give the faintest hop to Georgsson’s voice, and some clever “do do dos” are thrown in around the 3 minute mark to put a final stamp on the track’s ability to connect with the listener. This song appears on the Comes a Time EP, dropping on August 14th!

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