CIEL Release Never Alone Again

CIEL wowed me when the dropped their debut EP; it featured one of my favorite tunes of 2020, so seeing them continue with that success in 2021 has been huge. This latest single is like taking the dreamiest elements of what Alvvays does, building in a more shoegaze guitar sound, giving it a heavier vibe, albeit one with this sparkling light star in the song’s horizon. That star is Michelle Hendriks, opening up to the audience on some of the demons that lurk in her past; it’s a dark subject matter matching the song’s tone, though the band’s approach make sure it never shies to far from great pop moments. Keep on keeping on, CIEL.

Robbie & Mona Share Slow Club LUV Visual

Folks were dropping albums off left and right at the beginning of the year, so I think the latest album from Robbie & Mona might have slipped under my radar. But, now that the band have released a video for Slow Club LUV, gives me reason to go back and share the song with you, maybe even encourage you to give Ew a listen! I love the way the duo use these little miniscule effects to add in some atmosphere, almost like the song’s about to shatter your speakers, only to return to seduce you with their delightfully melodic bedroom pop. Go on, give a listen.

Zero Percent APR Announce Gilgamesh II

It’s a shame that Austin has lost its fascination for the weird, Juli and Cody from Zero Percent APR are definitely one of the best songwriting duos in town, hands down. They’re primarily known for their act Being Dead (we did that one 7″ you know), but being holed up in a house turned into the alter ego of Zero Percent APR. With one release out already, here they are announcing another new collection of songs titled Gilgamesh II. We’ve got two great songs to listen to at the moment, one which is a more mellowly drifting ballad, with this perfectly haunting recording. The other’s an almost garage-rock sea-shanty, where Cody takes the vocal duties. This is a band that should be on your radar, in whatever form they come.

Listen to Melby’s Latest Single, Concorde

When it comes to crafting creative pop music, I can’t really think of too many operating like Melby, save for maybe Sun June. They have this natural ability to kind of lock into grooves and subtle pop inflections, riding them until the mood strikes and they switch directions. Here, there’s almost this calming lounge vibe, a late night pop croon for you, but then it kind of snakes its way into more dangerous territory, picking up a slight pace and sort of rocking you to a close. Like a great boxer, bobbing and weaving, in and out of grooves and melodies, delivering the ultimate pop knockout.

Fuzzy Bop from No Suits in Miami

Sweden keeps sending upbeat indiepop my way, and I’m not ungrateful, so here I am to push the latest from No Suits in Miami. This single is the follow-up the bands recent I Hope That No One Sees Me LP, which won rave reviews for the band. There’s a great bit of contrast in the band’s sound, using hook-laden synths and rhythms, contrasted against a nice energetic wall of distortion; it all spins you about and gives you a bit of vertigo until the warmth of the vocals rise to the top and tie everything together. No word on the next album, but this tune is sure to be part of that mix!

Acid House Kings Return with A Little Dancing

After a ten year hiatus, and a little pandemic tedium, Sweden’s Acid House Kings have returned with a spritely number to put a little attitude in your feet. This is that brand of frivolous pop music that has you jumping and grinning from ear to ear; you can’t help but just get swept up in the overall emotion of the tune’s spirit. And, despite an incredible vocal performance, the most lifting elements are the arrangements, from string arrangements to handclaps to backing vocals, all letting you punch in some fun time. Rumor has it we’ve got more from the band on the way, so please don’t skip out on the absolute joy you’re going to find below!

Carpet Burn Share Butterfinger Hands

First, let there be fair warning for US audiences, as this song is not at all about the heralded Butterfinger snack. But, Carpet Burn, a new act led by Kayley Langdon and Tam Richards-Matlakowski is rather paying homage to how we all let things slip out of our hands, both literally and figuratively. The song is this pseudo-psych pop that creeps in along Kayley’s synth work, almost like a pop horror score; the wonky bounce helps set up the falling vocal delivery that seems to tumble down to the ground…like any object would if you indeed did have ‘butterfinger hands.” Plus, the song wraps up with a great noisy freakout that’s sure to set fire to your soul. The band will release their I Can’t Believe It’s Not Carpet Burn EP on June 18th via Spoilsport Records.

Did You Check Out Johnny Mafia

Some days I wake up and I just want something loud and fun; I don’t give a shit about pretense or cool, I just want a straight-up banger of a hit…like this one from Johnny Mafia. This track races in immediately, utilizing gang vocals to anchor in that joyous celebratory nature; it’s precisely the attitude I was looking for to start off my day! The drums are pounding and furious, with the guitars just building up this huge wall of noise behind, though hanging on with just a slight hint of melody in there. The French outfit get bonus points for keeping it short, sure not to overstay its welcome, as you too much of a good thing can go bad! Check this track on the band’s new album Sentimental, out via Howlin Banana Records.

Last Week in Music, Today

We like to look back on Mondays, reflect on some jams we got to enjoy over the last week, particularly because its fun to see if they’ll have the longevity and make their way into the every day rotation. Plus, sometimes people just like it easy, so you can just stream all these songs and see what we wrote about last week. There were definitely some solid tunes from last week, with tons of Austin acts getting love (Big Bill, Gabe Hascall, Alexalone, Emily Wolfe), plus the usual fascination with what’s hot in Australia from Skydeck and Dag. Give it a stream, see if it fits your fancy!

Dreams On Tape Release Nostalgia

A wee bit ago, we were turned onto Florida’s Dreams On Tape, the bedroom project of Jake Benfant. Today sees the release of the Nostalgia EP, and I’d love to give some more hype to title track here. It’s a familiar pop sound, one that early fans of Wild Nothing will likely find super enjoyable, employing solid bouncing rhythms and a nice little dream meets jangle guitar line hanging out there in the wind. There’s a bit of longing in Jake’s vocals here, which ties into the concept of reflecting on the past and how we tend to see it with a sense of longing. Don’t you dare tell me that chorus isn’t a hit! Enjoy.

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