Gordon Koang Shares Brand New Single

Okay, so the title of the brand new Double A-side Single from Gordon Koang seems a bit on the nose, but don’t dismiss on title alone. The track has this infectious bob and weave from the percussive elements, which are always an omni-present feature in Koang’s music. But, central to his work is his unique four string instrument, the thom; it has this unique ability to give his work this slight little jump, like a spiritual lift amidst the textural elements behind in the mix. I think that works wonders for Gordon as his theme here is to send out condolences to folks who’ve suffered due to the pandemic, as well as vibes of healing; this truly is world music, at its very very best. The new 12″ single will be out via Music in Exile on August 4th.

Catchy New Tune From Future Crib

Having released three albums over the years, Nashville based upstarts Future Crib are starting to look less like a “new” band and more like an established outfit with an ever developing sound. Today I’m happy to share with you this new single “Most Likely Never Going to Die” which is a delightful piece of indie pop music worthy of being compared to the early days of a band like Mystery Jets. It’s an incredibly catchy pop diddy that can certainly be in consideration for your summer playlist.

Future Crib will release this song on their upcoming fourth album entitled Full Time Smile due out September 10th. Pre-orders are up on bandcamp now.

RF Shannon Share Dublin Texas Video

It’s been a few years since RF Shannon last graced us with a full length, and it looks like we’ll have to wait as the band are in the studio putting on finishing touches to the follow up to the excellent Rain on Dust. But, they’ve tossed out this new single to tide us over in the meantime, a brilliant mix between sea shanty and smoky barnstormer. Despite Shane Renfro’s tumbleweed-like voice rolling across the song’s horizon, there are a few moments when the spirit shines through like at the 1:38 mark where you get this slight chill running up your spine. Another striking entry into the band’s catalog, and just enough brilliance to hold us over ’til the new LP is ready. Oh, and hats off to Jordan Moser for the direction on the video, which features some really great visual images spliced with live band footage; the track appears courtesy of Keeled Scales.


Sweet Nobody Share Why Don’t You Break My Heart

A few weeks ago we shared a knockout track from Sweet Nobody, and they’ve turned around to drop another hit from their forthcoming We’re Trying Our Best. Admittedly, in the song’s first 3 seconds, they turn around and offer this sugary pop feel that’s akin to fellow popsters Alvvays. Then you get these subtle little dance guitar cuts, shuffling the mix just beneath the creamy delight of Joy Deyo’s vocals. Digging deeper, the song has a bit of insight into Joy’s struggle with a chronic genetic illness that led her to encourage her partner to find someone new so they wouldn’t have to deal with the struggles and pain. Luckily, it led to nothing, but it ties into the thematic elements coursing through We’re Trying Our Best; sometimes all you have is what you’re giving, and hopefully, those that truly love you come to that realization. Perhaps it’s one of the great things about indiepop, bringing dark narratives to bright music so we can all take part in the joys and sorrows of life. The LP will be available on September 17th via Daydream Records.

New Music from We Were Promised Jetpacks

They’ve been hinting at it for a bit, but the Scottish outfit We Were Promised Jetpacks have officially announced their new record, Enjoy the View. The band have come a long way since dropping one of my all time favorites, “It’s Thunder and Lightning;” they seem to have come out with this sharp optimism in place of their typical bombast. Personally, I love that, as you don’t want to hear a band write the same record time and time again. Plus, Adam Thomspon’s voice will always hold a special place, so listening to him in any fashion immediately feels like home to me. Enjoy the View is out September 10th via Big Scary Monsters.

Fleece Share Thumping New Single

Montreal based rockers Fleece shared this new tune “Bodie Lie” yesterday, and though I may be a bit tardy in my posting, I think you’ll find the song to be completely irresistible. Coming from their upcoming 3rd album entitled Stunning and Atrocious, the song can fool the listener a bit as it begins as a sort of slow, melodic, almost folk tune, but then truly drops about a minute in to really give us something fierce. Love the percussion work on this one and continue to find new things to enjoy after each and every listen.

The new album, Stunning and Atrocious, will drop on August 20th.

The Umbrellas Drop Pictures Video

Another day and another great pop tune from the current pop epicenter of San Francisco; today’s new track is the latest single from the Umbrellas. They waste no time jumping right into the twisting turn of jangling guitar sounds, steeped in the rich history of California. That would normally be more than enough to whether this critics meaningless opinions, but the dueling vocals craft this blossoming melody that I can’t get out of my head. It begins with Matt offering up some heavier tones, akin to Calvin Johnson, but as the track moves forward, Morgan jumps in; I love it because these aren’t mere backing vocals; they’re dueling lyrics, meeting in the end to unite for effect. Fine, okay, this band rules. They’re debut self-titled LP is out on August 6th via Slumberland Records.

Levitation 2021 Announces Phase 1 Line Up (Oct. 28 -31)

Yes! The return of one of my favorite festivals/events in Austin. Long ago, Levitation was once Psych Fest, and it was glorious. Then it switched from Psych Fest to Levitation, then switching from one giant beautiful field to multiple venues, and honestly its been like the best part of SXSW! It’s the part where you get music heads chasing great bands like this year’s line-up featuring Black Midi, Chicano Batman, Tinariwen, The Hives, Japanese Breakfast and more! But, at least the 2019 version, it was pretty absent the free-swag army chasing beers and keychains. This year, the event will be spread out over four days, across venues like Stubbs, Mohawk, Cheer Up Charlies and Empire.

You can grab yourself some tickets right HERE, with more bands to be announced as the date draws near. And then check the recap of the 2019 experience!


Meadow Argus Share Gone Extinct

I’ve been listening to Meadow Argus a bit today, and I’m rather intrigued by their sound, if not pleasantly confused. When this song opens, it does so with that tumbleweed Western feel to it, but the vocals, somehow, have this current left of the dial pop vibe; they’re casual and warm, even a wee bit indifferent. Then the song sort of flirts with ambient craft, using spoken word samples to let the song open up a bit, while that sort of psychedelic folk meanders in the background letting the song finish off its pop touches. Definitely a blend of great sounds, and no matter what a gem of a tune. Think I’ll spend some more time digging into their album Silverling.

Alexalone Shares Eavesdropper

There’s so many reasons to fall completely in love with the brand new track from Alexalone, the work of Alex Petersen and their friends. For starters, you’ve got Hannah of Lomelda jamming out on bass here, as well as our friend Sam from the Hermits/Infinites rocking out on drums. But, I also love the fact that the track operates between this sort of heavy prog and this sort of creative post-rock; the whole thing is this incredible jam session where you get to see the band really letting loose and hanging on each other’s musician ship thanks to the directing of Brittany Reeber. Alexaloneworld is shaping up to be a beast of an album; it drops on August 13th via Polyvinyl.

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