Sad Eyed Beatniks Share The Snows of Success

While we’ve mostly shut down, we’d be doing you a disservice if we didn’t immediately share the latest track from K. Linn’s Sad Eyed Beatniks project. I love how the song moves from this home-recording vibe, crackling through your speakers to the split switch to a cleaner production; it immediately builds in the track’s melodic movement, without losing that intimate sentiment. The heaviness of the strum throughout matches up with Linn’s voice, softly toying with imbalance, though each element hits just the right spot, consistently elevating the charm. Super in love with what’s at play here; Claudia’s Ethereal Weaver will be out on January 28th via Meritorio Records.

Yot Club Drop Deer Island

We’re about to ride off into the holidays with a two week break on our part, so while I love writing about jams, a little respite is always nice. That’s why I love listening to this Yot Club tune; it has this naturally bouncing guitar line; it just makes you feel like there’s a whole lot of promise on the horizon. That sharp nature is a little bit in contrast to the way the vocals have this sort of sedate longing, which only furthers the concept of looking beyond what today holds. This track features on the Santolina EP, which is scheduled to drop on January 14th.

T.G. Shand Shares New Single, Seats

T.G. Shand is the new project from ex-Miniatures member Annemarie Duff, who is now spending time living in Christchurch. There’s a new album in the works for early ’22, so now seems like the perfectly fitting time to sprinkle in a little tease. What first caught my ear was the sort of trip-hop underbelly of the beat work on this tune; it was the perfect place to set up some contrast with the song’s dreamier nature. In all honesty, it feels like the sort of tune you’d hear on tour listening to a band like Dummy, so its nice to see other acts incorporating various sounds on a genre that needs a little refresh (if you ask me). Close ears will ear washes of guitar and that sort of acid house groove working its way to the surface, and if you ask me, we’re all the better this song’s out there. We’ll keep you posted on more as it comes our way.

Letting Up Despite Great Faults Share Corners Pressed Video

In other news of things I’ve skipped the last few weeks, this new video from Letting Up Despite Great Faults; I did cover the original single though! So, here we are with the band jamming out in their practice space, each person getting a little solo time to walk about while the band jams around them. I love that you get a little bit of the live Kent vibe, as he’s one of my favorite bass players to watch. The band will be dropping their new album, IV, in early March, with a tour to follow out West with other ATH faves Blushing. You can pre-order the LP HERE.

New Stuff from Tigercats

Tigercats haven’t had a proper release in several years, but as we’re finding out, they’ve had a new EP laying in wait for us, and we’re finally getting to hear some of those sweet new tunes. On this New Works EP, they take their jangling indie rock sound, which we love, and begin to incorporate a lot of their live sound, including horns and various other textural elements; this takes the band’s sound and see them pushing the boundaries and expectations of what it means to be a pop band out there in this world. I’m always excited when a band I adore takes steps to really break out and create their own sound, so count me in! New Works will be out on January 14th via Fika Recordings.

Things I Missed: Jetstream Pony’s Misplaced Words

I’m sure you’re all tired of hearing it, and honestly, I’m not complaining about the job, but teaching this year (my real job!), has been absolute whirlwind, holding on for dear life all the way. So, I’ve missed some things I new I’d love, and am just not getting to dive deep into them, like this Jetstream Pony mini-album, Misplaced Words. I saw it, I knew it would rule, but now I want to make sure you’ve got space in your world to spend some time here. The band has been winning me over since their first 7″ popped up, but the opening track here is just “stop you in your tracks” good; the band doesn’t live up, following it up with what I’ve found is my favorite tune, “Courses for Obstacles.” Every track hits here, don’t be a dummy and waste your time not indulging in this joy, stream it below, NOW!


Avail Reissue Satiate On Vinyl

I’m sure if you frequent our site, you’re likely thinking…what the hell? Avail? Well, the Richmond act was one of the staples of my young catalogue, and, I was fortunate to work for a band in the 00s that toured with them. They were kind and hilarious, and taught us sort of the rules of running your own life within the confines of the music biz…and for that I’m sure we’re all very grateful. So, now that Satiate is going to be back on vinyl, for the first time in 15 years no less, I reckoned I would toss it up here, as even on extra person picking it up helps a band. Plus, it rules. There’s still some of these songs I can sing every word to, which I’ll be honest, isn’t always the case anymore…but that’s a whole other digression on listening habits. Links to BUY are HERE.

Best Bets Drops Whataworld Single

New Zealand’s Best Bets are prepping the release of their forthcoming On An Unhistoric Night, and with that cycle comes a brand new single. Somehow, the band feels like they’re channeling Ted Leo, though mixed up in a sort of fuzzy power-pop blender. The chords definitely have some punch, but they feel rounder on the edges, and perhaps less punk influenced, which delivers this rising melody that gets matched by the way the vocals are delivered. Still, the song’s a frantic jam, with guitars rising and falling and rising again, constantly crashing against your speakers time and time again. If you dig, the new LP will be out in April via Meritorio Records and Melted Ice Cream.

Orange Dots Has a New LP on the Horizon

Strange feeling to already be looking wholly at the release schedule of 2022, but this Orange Dots just popped up on our radar, so we wanted to keep you focused on the good stuff coming your way next year. It should make sense that Sean McDonnell, the songwriter for the project, calls San Francisco home, as its one of the strongest scenes at the moment; I should also mention he played in one of my all time favorite Bay Area acts, Magic Bullets. He’s releasing Deflated next year via his own label, Recorded Psychic Recordings, and he’s drawing his inspiration from the local scene, as well as songwriters like Cohen and Cave…with a little nod to Sarah Records thrown in. Just wanted to put this on your radar so you can have something to look forward to in the new year!

Color Palette Share New Shooting Stars EP

It’s great to walk indoors from outside and find music matching the natural world; in this case, the heavy weight of the fog matches the latest release that came my way from Color Palette. The DC outfit just released their Shooting Stars EP, and this single below is the perfect way to sample their sound. On my end, it lives somewhere in that territory between slowcore and dream pop; it’s crafting this great expanse that has a natural ebb and flow, filled in by textural washes of guitars and synths that add to the tune’s vibe. There’s a sonic punch up in the chorus, with a slight backing vocal that brings up the volume, only to slink into this sexy little guitar turn that leads you back to the chorus. Give it all a listen, and tell me you don’t love it.

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