Star Party Share Shot Down Video

It’s a wonderful year for fuzzy pop records, and we’re only two months in; we’ve got the new Artsick and Kids on the Crime Spree LPs, then on the horizon is this new Star Party. They’re getting some Shop Assitants/Black Tambo nods, and I don’t mind that, but to me, it feels like they’ve taken Talulah Gosh, injected it with amphetamines, then recorded it in a ramshackle tin shed. It’s strikingly melodic, despite the chaotic tendencies, and you can’t help but be charmed by the accompanying video, either. Energetic and punchy, hook-laden and fun…all of which makes me excited to add another great pop album to my collection this year! Meadow Flower is out March 11th via Feel It/Tough Love.

Eve’s Twin Lover Shares Josie

I’m all over the place today, and this new Eve’s Twin Lover tune is hitting all the right notes. Opening guitar lines cut right through to my musical heart, before the song opens up and brings in a more melodic element that’s equally enchanting. The verses seem to resonate with a very power pop style, hitting those arena rock riffs built for maximum volume. But, the chorus is perhaps the most striking element here, asking the listener “have you ever loved so hard,” then turning the song into a more blissful bit of pop songwriting. There’s a definite punch to the song, with a fluid evolution that feels more like a traditional linear plot as opposed to a verse/chorus approach, and I’m all for that risk! The band will self-release Stop Sending People to Kill Me this Spring.

SXSW Interviews: Teke::Teke

Well this week marks the official 3 week countdown to the fun times we all love during SXSW. Hard to believe that things might be “normal” again this year, but it seems like we may be headed towards live shows and events once again! How exciting for everyone in the music community. Once again, we are trying to prepare you as best we can for the week of music with interviews and previews from tons of band playing the festival. Today I am pleased to share with you my latest interview from Montreal based outfit TEKE::TEKE. Hit the jump for full interview, news and music.

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Tim Kasher Announces Middling Age

Tim Kasher is one of those songwriters who I take for granted; I’ve been a fan of Cursive and his solo work (Good Life + TK), but he’s been so prolific, that I sometimes overlook an album, coming to it later. I won’t be skipping over his new LP, Middling Age, perhaps because I have a sneaking feeling the tunes will hit home lyrically as I’m nearing the same age as Tim. His first single from the new LP is strikingly stark, with perfect accents made by the backing vocals of Megan Siebe. Listening through, its like meeting up with an old friend after an absence, only to find you don’t skip a beat, as close as ever, grateful for that companionship. If you find Tim Kasher as a life-companion, like me, look for Middling Age on April 15 via Passenger Records.

Naked Stray Share Omega

Want to kind of get weird and spaced out to begin your day? Well, I feel like throwing down on some of Naked Stray‘s tunes will help you get there. This little visualizer will help you immerse yourself in the band’s psychedelic journey, always with a bit of a pop twist around the corners. Too easy to tell you who it sounds like, and yet enjoying it too much to say its merely a copycat. Just wanted my head, and yours, to buzz a little bit as we peaked into today, so go ahead and get lost in here with me.

SXSW Interviews: Phebe Starr

Now that SXSW is only a few weeks away, I am honestly feeling all the feels about getting this thing back to “normal” activities and seeing some live music with old friends. Everyone say a little silent prayer now that things will keep trending in the right direction… Phew. So now we move on with more interviews coming your way, today from Sydney based artist Phebe Starr. She’s coming into town for SXSW and we feel like you musically inclined peeps need to know more about her and get her on your must see list. Follow the jump for full interview and tunes from Phebe.

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Steven Lambke Announces Volcano Volcano

Finding out that Steven Lambke had a new album on the way ended up sending me spiraling down a good old fashioned Constantines kick. Pretty sure I played “You’re a Conductor” over and over again for a good 30 minutes. But, just because he played guitar in the aforementioned act, doesn’t mean we can expect his newest solo effort, Volcano Volcano, to sound anything like his old work. There’s definitely some slight nods, particularly when he strains his voice a bit, giving the song some old school bite to it. But, in between, he fills the song with these soft melodies and backing harmonies, arranging a ditty that falls somewhere between stomping indie rock and classic pop sounds. It’ll be interesting to see how this evolves, but we’ll find out when it drops on April 29th via You’ve Changed Records.

Last Week’s Jams, Today (2.14 – 2.18)

What were the hot jams from last week? Well. We have them. We put them on a nice little playlist (you can complain about it later) so you could enjoy revisiting the hits. We’ve been running spotlights on SXSW artists, so you’ve got tunes from Logan Lynn, Grant Pavol and Elephant Stone, hoping it’ll catch your eye and get you to check out the interviews. Our friends in Good Looks dropped a new tune, plus we’ve got absolute rippers from Bodega and Dehd, plus some cool shit under the radar from Star Party, Salt Lake Alley, Red Pants and Howless.

SXSW Interviews: Logan Lynn

Stop me if I’ve already said this before, but SXSW is just around the corner and it’s time for you to start preparing like we used to back in 2019. We will of course be doing our best to aid in your preparations with our yearly coverage, recommendations, interviews, etc. Today I am pleased to continue or ongoing coverage with an interview from Portland based artist Logan Lynn. Hit the jump for full interview and some new tunes.

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Whimsical Share Rewind Video

We’re going to have ourselves a little Shelflife party over here at ATH, which is completely okay, as it’s one of my favorite labels. Earlier we had that hot Salt Lake Alley tune, and now we bring you the latest from the dream-gaze outfit, Whimsical. The video, like the song, is definitely shrouded in a bit of denseness, with the guitars churning out this wall of noise that serves as the background; the video uses slow pacing and these similarly heavy color tones to match that vibe. Musically, Krissy Vanderwoude’s voice is able to pierce the shroud of darkness, delivering this pulsing bit of melody that shimmers on the surface, as this genre should. If you dig it, Melt will be out on April 1st.

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