Sundozer Shares Debut Single

We’ve always gotta keep our ears to the speakers in terms of Austin acts, as it seems there’s constantly something we can dive into, like Sundozer. Honestly, I don’t know a bunch about the project, other than its relatively knew, considering this is their debut single. This track has a bit of that late night chill to it, albeit washed over with hints of dream pop and jangling notes; you can hear the guitars dancing all around as the wash of synths coats the song’s core. Whispering vocals crest and fall into the track, sinking into the mix while the rhythm hits giving off just a bit of a kick to the tune. It’s a bit of everything, be it bedroom pop or indie pop, perfect for late night chills or daydreaming at your window.

Will Johnson Announces No Ordinary Crown

Back somewhere in the very late 90s, maybe even like 2000, I remember a friend dropping this Centro-Matic CD my way; I was hooked on Will Johnson‘s voice that day, and have followed his work avidly throughout his distinguished career. Today, our buds over at Keeled Scales have announced his new LP, No Ordinary Crown, and I couldn’t be more ecstatic. There’s a heaviness to the riff work that’s living under Will’s voice; it’s matched by the thunderous drum hits smashing through your speakers. But, like a some magical gravitational pull, Johnson tugs us into his world with his distinctive voice. Then, the tune takes off and smashes into this rocking moment, stomping the floor with a huge burst of explosive energy that’s sure to have you turning the knob all the way to 11. No Ordinary Crown drops on September 15th.

Animals in Exile Share Fresh Single

I really love the swagger that rocks in this brand new Animals in Exile tune; it sets up the track as this heavy riffed bit of alt rock. But, where I got hooked was the sucker’s chorus. The bravado is shunned here, letting the song shift gears into this more melodic stretch that’s sure to have you thinking of late 90s British pop rock, which is exactly my cup of tea. This tune, along with several others, will be featured on the soundtrack from the forthcoming film Publish or Perish; that soundtrack is available today, but be on the lookout HERE for an accompanying video tomorrow!

Zum Audio Compilation #5 Shares Baus Tune

Zum Audio is celebrating 25 years in the biz, and with that, they’ve also got a new compilation on the way in mid-August. Personally, I love a compilation. You find one or two acts you love, then you get turned onto a half-dozen new bands to fawn over. Today, we’re fawning over this new Baus track, which is part of Zum’s Volume 5 Comp. It’s a frantic tune, cutting along the lines of all your favorite post-punk, though tossing in bands like Wire and Pylon isn’t necessarily a bad place to start for comparisons. I love how the sharpness gets erratic in nature, sharpening the sound as the rhythm grooves and moves beneath you. And just as you jittered into love, the song ends, and you’re left catching your breath. You’ve got time, as Volume 5 doesn’t drop until August 18th.

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