Mammoth Penguins Return with New Single/Album

As an avowed Mammoth Penguins fan, I was over the moon finding this tune on the horizon for today. There’s something magical about Emma Kupa’s delivery, even when, she’s spelling out the lyrics as she does in the chorus on this note. Behind the vocals, the group consistently pump out no-frill pop rock, running through jangling-adjacent riffs and clever little interludes that allow them to set up the truest rock punch you’re going to encounter. I can totally picture myself in the crowd at an MP show, screaming along to every word Kupa tosses out; you won’t find more fun pop rock singalong tracks than what Mammoth Penguins offer. Happy to have them back after nearly five years since the excellent There’s No Fight We Can’t Both Win.; they release Here on May 3rd via Fika Recordings.

Form Affinity Share Funny Little Man

I’m not entirely sure how one classifies Form Affinity; the project on my end feels a little bit like a more rock oriented version of Radio Dept. The track below builds with textured beats and a nice pulse; the vocals are spoken rather than sung, like snippets of a poem strung together in between the grooves. Pulsing and bouncing, I loved that the tune gets a bit of a heavy riff diving into the center, dropping a little bit of an edge into the layered brand of pop being offered through your speakers. Happy Tuesday kids.

Is/Ought Gap Announce SUA Compilation

Our good friends over at HHBTM Records sent us over this tip about a brand new compilation for Is/Ought Gap, one of the key acts in the early Athens scene of the 80s. This compilation pulls out rare recordings and releases that are likely impossible to find, unless you grab SUA. And, if you’re fresh to the band, well, you can hear remnants of other local acts like Pylon in their sound, particularly in some of the jittery vocals on this single below. But, I also like that it seems sort of like a distant relative to some of the sounds coming out of Minnesota at the same time. It’s always a joy when you get to dig into a band’s catalog from the past, so be sure to check in on this one; SUA drops on April 5th.

Brookside Mall Share Mailer Daemon

There’s a certain sound that I feel like Brookside Mall have hit upon with their latest single, which in turn has me looking towards the release of No More Fragrant Thoughts. Something lurking in the song recalls bits of brooding that you’d find in a Walkmen release, even going so far as tie in some gruff vocal trails that match up with Hamilton in a sense. Layered with strings and deep percussive tones, the song embraces this dark edge, seemingly impacted by the lyrical content and the steady march of the drums until the end. Their new LP is scheduled for a May release, so you can bet we’ll keep you posted as we draw near!

Babehoven Announce Water’s Here In You + Share Birdseye

Perhaps its the lingering Winter weather or just great songwriting, but I’ve definitely been indulging in some really mellow stuff lately…and this fresh Babehoven fits in there perfectly. The circuitous route of the strumming kept drawing me into the tune; it’s so light and careful, filled with an emotional draw when the strings sweep in for accent marks. Maya Bon hits these certain high notes too, pushing her voice to the max, only to pull it back as the verses require a more feathered texture. This single comes with the announcement that they’ll be dropping Water’s Here In You via Double Double Whammy on April 26th.

Crow Baby Drop Pity Party

I was seeking out something a little bit different to dive into our weekly coverage, which is where I came upon Crow Baby‘s latest single. There are certainly elements throughout this tune that feel akin to the current indie rock trends, offering up a melodic core that focus on the pop sensibility. But, what I was really drawn towards were the playful bits outside of that core, striking with sharp delivery that reminded me of Deerhoof long ago…adding a bit more artistry and excitement to the general approach. Need a little flare to your pop hits? You’ll enjoy indulging below.

Last Week’s Jams (2.5 – 2.9)

We had a windows down car drive end to the week, so here we are looking at all the hits we covered in the last week. There were a few jams like the new single from Gentleman Jesse or the Pheromoans latest that aren’t anywhere on DPS, but we’ve got tons of other jams from the week. I really loved the new bops from Johnnie Carwash, Icarus Phoenixand Flowertown, while Ray snuck in some new Mini Trees and Acid Tongue. Plus, we tried to suggest you take listens to new LPs from Itasca, David Nance, Dead Bandit and Pylon Reenactment Society, so if anything, sample a tune here and there from the new records. Get in and drive with Last Week’s Jams.

Friday Album Streams: Dead Bandit, David Nance and more…

It’s Friday, and you know what that means! Damn straight, we’re going to have some recommended albums for you! Personally, I was looking for something that would let me roll down the windows and get in the car for a long drive…and, well, depending upon where you’re driving, these tunes might do the trick. Whether you’re embarking on a late night drive across the country, stuck in traffic or just riding off into the sunset, pressing play below will have you covered!



Dead BanditMemory Thirteen (Quindi)

David NanceDavid Nance & Mowed Sound (Third Man Records)

Pylon Reenactment SocietyMagnet Factory (Strolling Bones Records)

ItascaImitation of War (Paradise of Bachelors)

Porcine Announce New Self-Titled LP

So you’ve been driving around in your car with the windows down, letting that rush fill you with energy. But, it’s time to move into the middling section of your day, slow the pace a wee bit, and what better way than to slowly seep into the Friday grind by pumping up this new Porcine track. Once you press play, the dreamy elements have you spinning, though slightly slower than the rush of a windows-down car ride, so put your hands in the air and let the track do it’s work. Everything here is sparkly and light, as you turn towards the weekend. But, one of the great things about the Barnsley outfit is they’re not afraid to up the ante and jump down on the pedals, as the latter half brings in their noisier tendencies as the tune fades with a bit more punch. They’ll be releasing their self-titled LP via Safe Suburban Home Records on March 1st.

Curling Ready Deluxe No Guitar Edition

No Guitar came out in the latter half of last year, but it seems like Curling weren’t entirely happy with that, as they’re now prepping a deluxe edition courtesy of Royal Oakie. This new edition offers a few instrumentals and a single edit of “Shamble,” which we’ve got down below. When this rendition kicks off, there’s this swell of vibrant sunbeams. But, roll those windows down, get in your car and go for a drive, because the track drops right into classic power pop, letting sharp guitar riffs twinkle and twist in the wind. Those melodic vocals are definitely there to carry the track, and the huge wall behind only sets you up for the perfect swoon. If you’re digging, the No Guitar Deluxe Edition is out March 1st.

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