Get Into Las Nubes

If you don’t already have Las Nubes on your radar, today’s a great day to dive into their music, vital considering they release Tormentas Malsanas today. This single below is a firestorm of wailing guitars and huge hooks, just an offering to the gods of rock n’ roll…and you the listener. Personally the urgency in their execution is what drives the song’s; they seem in a rush to hit you with immediacy, leaving no room for error or room to breathe. Crank up the volume on your speakers and let Las Nubes when you over with their brand new set of tunes!

Stream the The Blind Trust EP from the Wild Kindness

We’ve been patiently waiting to share the latest batch of songs from The Wild Kindness with you; they’ve had the Blind Trust EP in the works for a little bit. Today, you can stream the EP in its entirety, finding yourself lost in the pop maze they’ve build up before you. At times, you have energetic numbers like “Pay That Price” or “She’s Got Suitors,” which have one foot in the history of Austin’s pop scene, with acts like Voxtrot coming to mind. Still, you can slide into a track like “No One Belongs Here More Than You,” and feel the careful influence of acts like Death Cab seeping through the recording. I love the vocal switch that comes in with the line “did you sleep through the night/I doubt it.” Enjoy a listen to the whole EP below.

Cowgirl Announce Cut Offs + Share Fading Lights

The ever reliable folks over at Safe Suburban Home have just announced that they’ll have another record worthy of your listening, this time from York’s Cowgirl, who’ve been mostly quiet since their self-titled LP in 2021. Today they announce Cut Offs, their new LP, dropping an accompanying single that illustrates their confidence in classic rock n’ roll styles. You get the echo of a guitar running throughout, building up the backdrop, though the band pushes forward with driving rhythm and overlapping melodies that build on the foundational level of pop rock. A straight up, no bullshit, honest rock n’ roll tune; you’ll be able to get Cut Offs on August 9th.

Macseal Drop Four Legs Single

As we dive headfirst into the global warmth of Summer, good old fashioned pop tunes are perfect for those BBQs and parties with your friends, or those long drives after the rain cools things down…so you’ll need to pocket this Macseal tune for those playlists. There’s no frills and no tricks, just a classically written pop rock tune of the sort that lets you sing along and embrace the joy of your life. Sure, you can put the power-pop nod here, but it feels more like if Phantom Planet had kept cool and kept pumping out good rock n’ roll, or maybe like all the Fountains of Wayne tracks Stacy’s mom never heard. Whatever. It’s a great song, and their new album Permanent Repeat is out July 12th via Counter Intuitive Records.

Show Preview: Vicente Solarzano Benefit @ Coral Snake (6.15)

Summertime in Austin sees a ramp up with shows, especially indoor ones, going on all over town. One we think you should check out is a benefit for local musician Vicente Solarzano happening at Coral Snake on Saturday. Things kick off at 7pm and go till late with a slew of local talent gracing the stage for only $10 at the door. The lineup if loaded, but this seems like a solid time to highlight local up and comers Mikky & The Doom who just released their debut EP Garbage, USA. You can stream that 3 songer on Bandcamp and/or check out the title track below. Definitely a band to watch and put on your local radar.

For more information on how you can help out Vicente, check out the Gofund Me set up for his cause. Hope to see you at the show!

Ghost Fan Club Share Now and Then

If you sit with this new single from Ghost Fan Club, you’ll likely find yourself straddling eras between current bedroom pop and early 00s indie rock. As the Bandcamp for the project says, the songs were recording “alongside spooky spirits,” and while that may be tongue-in-cheek, there’s definitely a shadowy solemnity to the song, which gives it that familiarity you want from the perfect bedroom pop piece. But, listening closely, you can also hear the affinity for folks like Isaac Brock, particularly in the way some of the guitar notes warble and bend in your speakers; it goes nicely with the the layered vocals from the ghosts that pop up sporadically, adding emphasis to the tune. The self-titled Ghost Fan Club LP will be out on July 14th.

Kosmetika Shares Reward Risk

As they prepare to unleash their next album, Melbourne’s Kosmetika are offering a punchy little punk ditty to let you sink your teeth into their sound. Their first single from the record was a little more expansive, but the rhythm section on their new hit preps you for a jolly good time. Guitar lines attempt to knife their way with a bit of sharpness, though it gets scuppered by the melodic nature the band seem to consistently be working towards. Their call and response vocal bounce adds a layer to the playfulness, taking a little bit of that edge and turning it into a proper pop number. Luxury drops on July 12th via Spoilsport Records.

Orcas Share Next Life Single

Simon Scott is having a busy week here on ATH, with one single coming earlier via his own project, and now he jumps on to build the sounds of New York’s Orcas. The musical world they’ve created sounds cautiously cavernous, offering a depth that begs you to dip your body into their pools of melody. For me, I was drawn towards the tender notes on the tip of the vocals; they have their own natural movement, sliding alongside the music, then rising in a more angelic fashion. This tune is where the pop world melts into post-rock, and we’re all better for it. Their new album, How to Color a Thousand Mistakes drops on July 19th.

Font Share Brand New Single

I was asleep when this new Font track dropped yesterday, otherwise I would have been on top of it…but we’ve got to rep the ATX scene…particularly as the group are one of the most revered artists currently. While some singles have brought out their more jittery electronic bits, I love the reservation on this latest single. Sure, the electronic elements seep in through the cracks in the tune, but somehow they manage to kind of take some of the energy and hold onto it whilst still building that musical tension. For me, this just hints at what’s made the band so exciting, as you can hear their rock influences being warped by their incorporation of various electronic pieces; this song evolves patiently, never staying complacent, then erupts with these thundering beats. You’re in for a treat when the group drop Strange Burden on July 12th.

Giant Day Share We Were Friends

Derek Almstead has been working around the Elephant 6 Collective for some time, though I love his work with the Glands the most. As of the moment, he’s working on his new project with his wife Emily Growden named Giant Day, and they’ve released a brand new single from their next LP. When listening to their latest single, I can’t help but hear two very distinctive sounds working through: there’s a gentleness akin to Elliott Smith in the vocals and there’s a huge driving build that surrounds the voice. It’s like you can hear this delicate storyteller sitting inside a cocoon, only that cocoon has been crafted by this driving rhythmic wall of noise that’s inescapable. But, then again, you’d expect someone who has worked with the E6 to know all about building huge walls of sound in their craft. Oh, and speaking of, the band will release their new Glass Narcissus LP on August 23rd via Elephant Six!


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