About Last Night – SXSW Thursday
We are still standing and still ready to rock. Most of us had a long one yesterday and into the evening, so yeah we saw a ton of bands on Thursday. We were mostly split up, all over town, and maybe hit a high note for the amount of unique bands our team saw during one day. It was a big one and we of course have some thoughts about what went down. After the jump, you can find our top bands of the day along with thoughts and of course, fancy photos.
RayRay’s Top Bands: Gurriers was an absolute smash for me on the High Noon stage. Some pre-show convos thought maybe the band wouldn’t be as “on” during a sunny afternoon set, but they absolutely brought the house down. See them now. Draag left me impressed on the second go round, after seeing them on a meh pop up stage the day prior. Scream your heart out. Open Head was solid on the slightly awkward Stargarzer pop up stage. The drum work was the best I have seen all week. Also must give props to Baths starting the day with a shirtless pop set at noon.
Nathan’s Top Bands: Due to my job and such things, I rolled into town a little later than I normally would, but tried to make up for it as best I could. Managed to see up-and-comer Stella Bridie deliver a quick set up solid pop rock before bouncing over to Chess Club to catch Knitting deliver another solid SXSW set. BGray and I ran to see Holy Fuck, and everyone was there; I saw Guardian Singles and Colin Newman from Wire; it was the early evening dance party that kept my energy up for the remainder of my late night. With pep in my step, I caught what was probably one of the sickest sets I’ve seen from Gloin; they play this thundering post-hardcore with a tenacity that had everyone in the crowd slamming against each other…and you know what, this old guy didn’t mind a mosh one bit!
BGray Top Bands: Holy Fuck weas pretty rad. Early sets include La Securitie, definitely a vibe you need to experience, well-suited to a short SXSW set. Yesterday was a manual focus 35mm/f2 day for me. Fun.