Icarus Phoenix Shares Doctor Doctor

With the new album from Icarus Phoenix on the horizon, Drew Danburry and company have offered up one last peek beneath the covers of what’s in store. What you’ll notice on this single, as with those that came before, is that this go round, there’s a bit more focus on the melody and the voice, taking the outsider folk stylings of the project’s early work and making it more accessible. Everything on this track feels light, and that gentle approach create this sentiment that you and the song are one, drawing you into the narrative Danburry has crafted. I Should Have Known the Things You Never Said is out on August 15th.

Geneva Jacuzzi Drops Scene Ballerina Video

Dropping into my afternoon, and dropping into some pure nostalgia as we bump this new track from Geneva Jacuzzi. The lyrical content is all about that one person who always steps up to steal the spotlight, take the attention…and probably ruin someone’s night. But, musically, its pure glitzy pop, straight out of the Madonna playbook. The beat matches up with the punctuated vocal delivery of the verse, then the tonal vocal change certainly feels like it channels the old-school approach. There’s even some spoken word layering beneath, which definitely feels Madge-esque. A fun tune as you dance about and get ready to grab a copy of Triple Fire, out August 23rd via Dais Records.

Eazyhead Share Narcissist Single

Manila band Eazyhead have already graced our Internet pages, and their latest single continues to seem them spiraling down the the stairwell of hedonistic psychedelia. Thumping grooves build the foundation at the start, with guitar lines bending and shaking, scraping the edges of your speakers as they crawl through to open up into the jangling swirl of thundering psychedelia. You get to dive into the cloud-filled room with the band, scorching guitar riffs echoing about the walls while they allow for the vocals to crawl across the floor of the tune. Their new album Personal Echo Chamber has the makings of a true psychedelic experience, so look for its release via Dedstrange on August 23rd.

Another Peel Dream Magazine Tune

As much as we knew what to expect in the early work of Peel Dream Magazine, it seems that Joe Stevens work on the newest LP did see him branching out in new directions, or at least letting other folks join in on the fun, like the partnered vocals that run the course through this song and its accompanying video. Musically, it’s still all about bending in those corners of psychedelia into a pop-centric vibe that works around studio-beat-magic and vibrant melodies. Personally, the chorus is the sweet spot on this tune, offering an almost toying melody, teasing you without going full on into the realms of cliche bedroom pop. Rose Main Reading Room is out September 4th via Topshelf.

Being Dead Share Van Goes Video

Returning with another batch of tunes after last year’s excellent When Horses Would Run, Being Dead still seem to be growing in confidence and promise. This tune kicks off with this driving rhythmic push instantly caffeinating your listen; they work to indulge their whimsical side by interlocking the vocalists, trading hooks back and forth with one another, all of it to the song’s snappy beat. And, just as you think they’re pushing you towards the top of the musical hill, they take a wild left turn and change directions, forcing you to keep pace. This makes their musical craft interesting, but also allows for a lot of that playfulness to carry over into their live sets. EELS will be released on September 27th via Bayonet Records.

Friends of Our Youth Share Problem Is Single

This Manchester outfit is rolling back the years, hitting a brand of pop rock that maybe recalls the indie scene of the late 00s. That said, Friends of Our Youth are pulling off the style with bravado and sincerity that made this the perfect tune to crank up early in the morning, particularly as the sun’s peeking out for the first time in a few days. I hear elements of acts that we love, like Mystery Jets, taking sort of a garage rock sound and softening it up a bit to deliver the hooks; I mean, the way the chorus shuffles then unloads melody is absolutely splendid. Perfect way to kick off a Wednesday.

Rock N’ Recipes: Chime School

After an excellent debut LP, Andy Pastalaniec’s Chime School are returning this summer with what many already consider an album of the year contender, particularly in the indiepop circles. We’ve already heard some great singles, like the personal favorite, “Wandering Song,” so we reached out to Andy to catch up, grab some insight, then learn about making vegan chili. Read on below, and pre-order the Boy Who Ran the Paisley Hotel from Slumberland Records HERE. You can stream a few songs from the new LP at the very bottom of the interview!

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John Davis (Superdrag) Announces Jinx

Feel like there are a ton of folks who hold “Sucked Out” against John Davis and Superdrag, but you know what, you’re all wrong, as that song rips…as do all their records…probably one of my favorite bands from that era. Anyways, John Davis is back at it, today announcing his new solo LP, Jinx. He’s still toying with the balance between heavy distorted riffs and pop-centric melodies; I tend to think of him as the dark angel on Nada Surf’s shoulder, always willing to take a bit more risk. Wish more people would give credit to John and his work, as he’s never steered me wrong. Begging you to give Jinx a chance; it drops via Lost in Ohio on September 27th.

Tiffy Shares Mirror Single

Was looking for something a little fuzzy and a little catchy, so glad that I stumbled into this new jam from Boston’s Tiffy. I loved the jagged riffs that worked right into a bait-and-switch, puling back to let the verse open up with a bit more sweetness. There’s a bit of crunchiness, making it just rock n’ roll enough for the cool kids to whet their appetite, though it certainly swirls about in this twister of pop sensibility. Plus, everyone deserves bonus points when they just smash down the back half of the tune with walls of joy and noise! Tiffy will drop the 2 EP on August 2nd.

Soot Sprite Share Home Among Your Bones

Having already covered the A side to the new 7″ from UK’s Soot Sprite, it feels apt that we should also share the B side, as that’s now available with the full release out. While “I Went Swimming” has this sharp bite to it, you’ll find “Home Among Your Bones” a bit more like a soothing bit of aloe on a freshly burned bit of skin; it shimmers with warm melody from Elise Cook, while the band build up this little dose of texture give depth to the bedroom pop vibe. They save the loudest bits for the punctuated end, so be sure to stick through until the close, and grab a copy from Specialist Subject!

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