SXSW Interviews: Snacktime

SXSW officially opens today, though the music doesn’t roll out until the weekend. With that in mind, we’d like to re-introduce you to Snacktime, who’ve taken the time to fill out our little mini-survey in regards to their adventure to our town. I love how they claim to be channeling Prince, Parliament and Sly/Family Stone in their sound, which bodes well for audiences looking to have a great time. Meet the group below!

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SXSW Interview: Cloth

I know SXSW has made some errors, and it’s hard to support something so massive in the current climate. But, one thing I’ve always appreciated it that a lot of country’s send their favorite artists abroad to spread the word on their art scenes…and Scotland’s Cloth is one such group we’re excited to get to know better when they make their way next week. They’ve got a new record titled Pink Silence coming out in April, so take a quick read below and get to know them!

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SXSW Interviews 2025: Last Waltzon

As we continue to churn out some of these SXSW getting to know you pieces, I am finding a lot to look forward to next week when the music lineup really shows up in Austin. If you’re one of those still holding on to the old Austin narrative, why not venture out and see one of the hundreds of amazing bands coming to town? One such band we’d recommend is Montreal based outfit Last Waltzon, who were kind enough to answer our interview questions. You can find full responses, show dates, and tunes after the jump.

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SXSW Interviews 2025: Two-Man Giant Squid

It’s hard to pigeon-hole Brooklyn outfit Two Man Giant Squid; they often change directions from song to song, and sometimes within the songs themselves, as in the case of last year’s “Weird Recordings.” I think that’s what makes them great for a festival like SXSW, as they can lock into a groove or a set, and manipulate the audience depending upon the vibe…or maybe they show up and melt faces. Think you’ll be satisfied either way. And, if you don’t know about them, check out our brief interview below!

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SXSW Interviews 2025: Saint Blonde

One week away people. Just one more short week away from the chaos and joy that comes with the annual SXSW festival in Austin, TX. Though one can never be truly prepared for everything, we hope you fans have at least had some time to peruse the band list to find something that sparks your interest. Hopefully another interview set, this time from Texas natives Saint Blonde, will further spark some musical interest in your ear holes. Check out the band’s responses along with tunes and show times after the jump. This one had some really great and thoughtful responses.

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SXSW Interviews 2025: Population II

The ATH team is still thrown off with how early SXSW is going down this year, and it seems insane that things kick off in just over a week. How is this possible?!? Well, ready or not, things are set to go down soon as we close out the long AF month of February. Hopefully some interviews and guides will help you prepare yourself and find some bands to follow around town. Today our next interview set comes by way of Montreal based band Population II. Hit the jump for full interview, show times, and tunes.

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SXSW Interviews 2025: Gold Star

It is here folks. It is somehow time to start planning and prep for SXSW 2025. Things are happening a bit earlier this year in March so we are going to start churning out coverage now with less than a month to go before things kick off in Austin. It seemed like a no brainer for us to continue our quick hit interview sessions, offering a brief glimpse into the lives of these musicians and creatives. Starting things off with a bang this festival season, we have Los Angeles based artist Gold Star. You will find his full interview, along with current known show dates and streaming music, after the jump.

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Top Albums of 2024…According to Nathan

I love to wrap up the year later than most, mostly because my real job always has me swimming against the current. But, nonetheless, I’ve got a solid list of the records I loved this year…and you’ll notice a lot of the same stuff as my peers, with maybe a few tweaks here and there to throw my own flare into it. Not really sure how to write an intro into something that seems so opinion-based, so here’s the list of records you should already have purchased if you come to this site frequently!

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Rock n’ Recipes: The Ladybug Transistor (Sasha Bell)

Okay, so we didn’t get the whole of the Ladybug Transistor, but we thought it was important to get a note from someone involved in the group now that their legendary LP, The Albemarle Sound is being reissued. We were fortunate to reach out to HHBTM, the label for the reissue, and they got us in touch with Sasha Bell. We talked about looking back on the record, plus the role of food in her life, as well as a recipe for Chocolate Chestnut Terrine. Thanks to Mike Turner for setting this up, and for Sasha for her time. If you’re fortunate, the band have a slate of dates across the US starting this Wednesday, so hope you’re lucky enough to catch their sets (dates posted below, and on their Bandcamp Page)!

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Levitation Interviews: Hello Mary

Unless you are living under some sort of large rock, you should be fully aware that Levitation Festival started last night in the ATX. We saw many of you out and about and look forward to more moments of tunes and fun as the weekend progresses. If you’re still looking for some recommendation this weekend, we’ve got one last getting to know you interview from Brooklyn based Hello Mary. Be sure to hit the jump for interview, tunes, and set times.

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