FT5: Ted Leo Albums – An ACL Preview

Are you ready for Austin City Limits Festival?  Well, we certainly are, and we’re working with the fine folks at the festival to guarantee that you’re filled in on all the great sights and sounds coming our way.  We’re bringing you an introduction, to those who don’t know him, to Ted Leo, one of my personal favorites, and admittedly, my man-crush of many years.  I’ve seen him solo, in the club and at a festival, and he never fails to win me over.  So, I’ve decided to rank his 5 albums, excluding his work with Chisel, so if you’re a newcomer, you’ll know where to start, and if you’re not, then you can throw out your two cents to make your case. Be sure to follow ACL Festival for more updates on great bands, and we’ll do our part to keep you updated as well.

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ACL Spotlight: The Dodos

dodosfeatureSo last year during ACL we worked our tails off trying to bring you guys the best interviews, spotlights, battles and all kinds of crazy lists.  We may still be a month out from the festival date but we thought it would be an appropriate time to start our spotlight feature on various ACL artists that we like.  Our first spotlight goes to The Dodos and is taken on by our newest addition to ATH, mwiliamrice.  So follow the jump for our first ACL feature on The Dodos.

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Sound And The Jury Contest

couch_trackACL has just announced their annual Sound and the Jury Festival and our good friends Whitman are currently near the top of the leader board.  If you aren’t familiar with the contest, bands from all over the US enter for the chance to win a spot at this years ACL festival in August.  Tons of bands are in the running right now, but eventually the top 5 bands will face off in a battle of the bands with the winner taking the early ACL slot.  We hope that you can take some time to vote for our friends Whitman who work harder than any band we know.  You can vote only once a day so get to it!  We’ll keep you posted on the results.

[audio: https://austintownhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/08-the-drifter.mp3]

Download: Whitman – The Drifter [MP3]

ACL Lineup Announced

acl_lineup_adIt’s finally here.  You’ve been waiting all Spring; you’ve even bought your tickets, and now the 2009 ACL lineup is here.  I won’t lie, the headliners aren’t really doing anything for me, esepecially because of my extreme hatred for Dave Mathews Band.  But, there are some killer bands that will be gracing smaller stages that you’ll definitely want to check out such as Sonic Youth, Phoenix, Grizzly Bear, The Dodos, Passion Pit and the Walkmen.  You can still buy tickets for a measly $185 here.

ACL Preview: Colour Revolt

This being the week leading up to ACL, we’re going to preview the Festival by offering you a feature of a few bands we’re pumped about seeing. We’ll try to keep it to bands that might be a little left of center or not quite on everyone’s radar. Today, we take a quick look at Colour Revolt out of Oxford, Mississippi. A short bio, song preview and a ton of links after the jump.

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