Friday Album Streams: Rural France, Joyer, Writhing Squares and More

Definitely a busy week on the album release list, and if I had more time, I’d be way into reviews. But, life always seems to be in the way, so the best way I can throw my weight behind great music is to give you a chance to stream some of the really solid albums that dropped on the Internet this weekend. So, just check out all the records below, and be sure to buy!

Writhing SquaresMythology (Trouble in Mind Records)

JoyerNight Songs – (Hit the North Records)

Maria Chiara ArgiroCloser – (Innovative Leisure)
Rural FranceExacatmondo – (Meritorio Records)

BabehovenWater’s Here In You – (Double Double Whammy)

HovvdyHovvdy – (Arts and Crafts)

Voxtrot Return @ Arts and Crafts (9.8.22)

Austin band Voxtrot has come out of their 12 year hiatus to return with a few reissues, and a slew of dates to celebrate those releases. Well, like all great bands, you’ve got to get your legs back under you, so the band quietly played a warm-up set out in Lockhart last night, and I was fortunate enough to be on hand.

Watching the band take the stage again, not to mention the smiles on their faces as the crowd sang back to them was a perfect moment etched in time. Special shout out to Jennifer Moor (Deep Time) who sang backup vocals throughout the night. The band represented a time in Austin’s music scene when there was so much promise and joy, and it was great to revisit that snapshot…and hope their return signals a similar wash over the city.

I poorly shot a few videos, and cuz I do what I wants, I included them below. And here’s the setlist too, in case you want to know what you might catch on their tour:

Raised by Wolves
Kid Gloves
Berlin Without Return
Your Biggest Fan
Long Haul
Soft & Warm
Mothers, Sisters, Daughters & Wives
Whiskey & Water
Warmest Part of the Winter
The Start of Something
Wrecking Force

Straight Rock From Dead Soft

More often than not, I like to kick it old school with my musical tastes. Ya know some old emo/post-emo style tunes or throwbacks to 90s era grunge/alt-rock are sure to pull at my heart strings. Well my friends in Vancouver based band Dead Soft deliver the later style today with this new song “Down”. It’s certainly a grunge, alternative rock song similar to something you might have heard on the indie stations back in the late 90s. Bing bang boom.

Dead Soft will release their latest EP New Emotion on October 5th via Arts & Crafts.

Dan Mangan Still Has It

Not sure why it’s been so long since I’ve mentioned the legendary Dan Mangan on our website as he’s been a busy guy over the years. Maybe we just aren’t that good at this… Regardless, Dan is currently working on a new album and has offered a delightful new tune called “Troubled Mind” as a preview of the new material. Contrary to his usual singer/songwriter genre, this track has much more of a driving rock sound to it sort of similar to something you might hear from Spencer Krug/Moonface. Though the sound is light and cheerful, the lyrics play nicely as a counteracting agent to create a balanced mood. I’m happy to say that it’s put me back on board the Dan Mangan fan wagon.

Mangan will release a new album sometime later this year on Arts & Crafts.

More From Calvin Love

97-atxl1As I mentioned back in February, Calvin Love has a new album on the way and today the full deets are available.  Mr. Love’s new album is called Super Future and is due out on June 16th via Arts & Crafts.  To celebrate the announcement, an awesome new single entitled “Automation” is also up for your listening pleasure.  I’m loving the pop stylings going on here with a slick bass line to give us a special, almost R&B themed tune.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Calvin Love Continues His Pop Ways

artworks-000105386552-gan6in-t500x500I have always had a place in my musical catalog for the pop sounds and styles of Mr. Calvin Love.  He has his own unique take on pop music with a breeziness and freshness that any real lover of the genre could never resist.  Today I was excited to hear that one of my favorite songwriters just moved up in the world by inking a new deal with large indie label Arts & Crafts and is prepping a new release for later this year.  Check out a preview of the new material with this album track “Daydream”.  Song title = perfect.

Stay tuned as we get more information on the upcoming release.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Hayden Is the Canadian Beck

canadaHave you not listened to Hayden before? Well, you’re going to have to do some hunting down, as the man’s released dozens of albums, all changing shapes and sounds, though consistently relying upon the strength of his voice.  It appears on this outing he’s going to take on the melancholy vibes of the world, using hints of Americana, though on that grader scale many of us adore.  He’s titled the newest release Hey Love, and it’s getting into stores courtesy of Arts and Crafts (3/24).  Put your pop song away and get swept away in this emotive number.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Trust Is Playing SxSW

artworks-000067282197-cquqei-t500x500TRUST is back with some strength.

I think this will be a busy year for Robert Alfons and Maya Postepski. The new record Joyland is due March 4th on Arts & Crafts, just before what I assume will be a very busy SxSW. I have a sneaking suspicion that this track is a preview and not a highlight. “Rescue, Mister” is about as good as this young year gets. Take a listen; dark dancing bliss.

…and that finish. We love this band.

UPDATE: You can preorder Joyland here in double LP, CD and digital formats.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Music From Jason Collett

It’s been quite awhile since we’ve heard anything from Jason Collett after the quiet release of his 2010 album Rat a Tat Tat.  Jason is delighting his fans this year with the release of two new albums later this fall.  The first is a brand new LP entitled Reckon while the second is a greatest hits of sorts LP entitled Essential Cuts.  Both of these new albums will be available on September 25th via Arts & Crafts Records.

A preview of the new material can be found below and is entitled “I Wanna Rob a Bank”.


Download: Jason Collett – I Wanna Rob A Bank [MP3]

Dreamy New Jam from Bishop Morocco

You’ve always got to keep a close eye on the Canucks at Arts and Crafts, as they always discover some real gems that they wish to spread across the globe. They’ve just announced the signing of Bishop Morocco, and they’ll be releasing the band’s Old Boys EP on March 13th. It’s interesting that this came out this week, as it follows closely in the line of The Mary Onettes track I posted earlier this week.  It’s got a certain softness to it that strikes at the heart of listeners, and the electronic touches play upon the recent upswing in bedroom recordings.  Based on what I’m hearing here, I’ll be jamming to this EP quite a bit.


Download:Bishop Morocco – Old Boys [MP3]

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