Indian Wells goes Borg-McEnroe

Indian Wells has a track up to download that prominently features sampled sounds of the 1980 Wimbledon Tennis Tournament. I assume 1980 because the name of the track is “Wimbledon 1980”. It takes a bit to get used to the samples, but once the textured and layered soundscape takes over, the song puts out a cooling ambient atmosphere.

While “Wimbledon 1980” gets the interesting song of the day award, I want to feature a favorite song from the Bad Panda released Night Drops. The track maintains the tennis theme in name.

Stream “Duece” below and hit this link to listen to and download “Wimbledon 1980”.


Show Review: Grimes @ Lambert’s (2/29)

I believe that the blogosphere is quite abuzz with Grimes. Canadian Claire Boucher is working hard right now, she is in demand. That is why the relatively small space afforded by Lambert’s must have been an early, but fortunate, booking. It was fortunate because it was such an intimate space for Grimes and openers Born Gold, but unfortunate because more could have said that they got to see her before SxSW this year.

There were sound issues, weird and then no lighting, props galore for the opener, shoulder to shoulder dancing and many happy fans. Buzz.

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The IT Department – v2.3

This edition will bring you a nice little variety. I have an older track from Glass Candy that I’ll use to highlight one the best movies I have seen in a while. I have a track from Superhumanoids that is short and sweet. An old-school feeling trance track from Acid Washed that is new, I promise. Loose Fit busts out some funky bassline action for a genre I like to call “theme music”. I’ll finish up with a stellar track from Dana Buoy you can download. Dana Buoy is in Akron/Family, this isn’t an Akron/Family track.

Head past the break…
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The IT Department – v2.2

SxSW is getting closer and closer and this IT Dept. has very little to do with SxSW becasue it is still too far away for me to start getting hyped. O_o

Since we played catch-up in the previous IT post, here is a collection of new tunes for you to ponder. I am throwing out a favorite from Mint Julep, the latest from Bear In Heaven, smoothness with oOoOO, School of Seven Bells minus a twin and an atmospheric closer from Blondes.

Click past the break and you might get rewarded with cheese.

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Catching Up With The IT Dept. (v2.1)

It is a new year, the last year if you believe the Mayans or Mitch Daniels. This makes your choice of tunes all that much more important.

And so I begin the year with a smattering of songs I have been listening to in the very recent past that I want to share under the guise of new tunes from the IT Dept. I think I will hit Metronomy, Chad Valley, Elite Gymnastics, Craft Spells and Mansions on the Moon. Call this the electro-downtempo-chill-dance-jam session of the IT Dept. Whatever. Can’t fade me…

So on to the streaming goodness.
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Sweet New Track from Grand Duchy

While trolling the inbox and the internets for content to highlight in the first IT Dept. post of 2012, Nathan was kind enough to point me to this track. It gets its own post because it is awesome.

Grand Duchy is Frank Black and his wife Violet Clark pulling a Handsome Furs. This is the first I have heard off of Let the People Speak, the forthcoming follow-up to Petite Fours. Due April 10th, the new album, in their words, is “definitely more about slamming it in.”

Odd spoken bits, long lead in that makes you nervous but excited. This should give you a hint of what’s up in the Black/Clark household.


Download: Grand Duchy – Silver Boys [MP3]

Show Review: Phantogram @ The Mohawk

The night before, I joined Nathan for Modest Mouse. The post-FFF6 hangover lingered and that show did not help. I am officially jaded.

Phantogram is up next after Reptar unleashed a silly dance party. I am feeling better. The first bass notes from “Don’t Move” kick in after the stage filling intro music. The lights jump. They move. They create. I was pulled in. I was grinning uncontrollably.

Head past for more on the set and plenty of pics.

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The IT Department – v1.2

Heading into the FunFunFun weekend, I figured I might give you some stuff to chill to when you make it back to the house to decompress. What better than an installment of tracks from the IT Department?

I do a featured FFF6 artist in this edition, so I am “relevant” and “thoughtful”. Heh. Tycho melts your face, Small Black continues to mellow, Simian Ghost blurs influences, Sapphire Slows is and Grimes is the fun feature.

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New Track from Black Light Dinner Party

Black Light Dinner Party sent this over yesterday, missed when my inbox went ding for happy tunes. The latest from the rather stealthy project/band out of New York is called “Gold Chains”. The track goes back to the bright but smooth formula of the first release “Older Together”. I keep waiting for the lid to blow, get a peak as to what’s doing in the kitchen, but so far they just keep sneaking these tracks out for the blogosphere to disperse.

I was going to save this one for an overdue IT Department post, but nah. Enjoy!


Download: Black Light Dinner Party – Gold Chain [MP3]

Show Pics: Erasure @ ACL Live

So this is a little off-topic for us, consider it a retro IT Department post. Erasure tickets were a final birthday present to the wife and I was given the opportunity to take photos of the show. This may surprise people, but it was one of the best shows this year. The sold out crowd was ready to have a great time, so many overheard conversations about the last time seeing them live. The venue was ideal. Andy Bell let it loose and left most of the crowd in awe that he still has it vocally.

There are a few more comments and plenty of glorious Bell/Clarke goodness after the break.

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