Subtly Groovy Indie Rock From World Champion

12185218_1940953429463297_4303173634602847897_oSo maybe I’m a few days late on this track and EP from World Champion, but it’s kind of a slow news day so far so I’m back tracking. World Champion are a group out of Sydney composed of William Campion and Julian Sudek. They’ve got a neat sound that you’ll hear on the track below called “Tip Pit,” which is driven by the bluesy guitars and falsetto’ed vocals. It’s a mellow jam, but a good one nonetheless. If you like it, be sure to check out the EP, Avocado Galaxy, which the band just released, right here.

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Enjoy This New World Champion Tune

unnamed (1)We obviously don’t have too much to share with the world today as we just made it through a party weekend and we figure most people are avoiding new music for the day.  You know us though, we’re going to share new tunes everyday and this song called “Shakes” by Australian band World Champion is my jam for Monday.  It’s sort of like old MGMT meets current Tame Impala.  To me, that sounds like a recipe for delight.  Enjoy.

World Champion will drop their new Avocado Galaxy EP on December 4th via Future Classic.

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