Benefit Album from The Flute Flies (ft. Ivan from the Rosebuds)

I know how important the word community can be in regards to music, so when I read about the benefit album being put together by some of the heavy hitters in North Carolina’s music scene, I knew I had to share.  Ivan from the Rosebuds (the most well-known of the bunch) and two other friends have created a record titled Yes Means Maybe, using the moniker The Flute Flies.  Right now, they’re offering the album for a donation only, which is an absolute must, as all the money goes to Tisch Brain Tumor Center.  The TBT Center is important to the story because their friend, and member of the NC music community, was a patient there before his passing. You know this means a lot to the musicians involved, so please head over to the band’s BANDCAMP and donate–enjoy the music they created in honor of the cause too.


Download:The Flute Flies – Shopping Mall [MP3]

New Jam (and tape) from Velcro

A few weeks back my friend Guy from Chapter Music turned me on to Velcro, a Melbourne band that I really dug.  They’ve just released a new tape overseas, and the lead track is pretty solid; I’ve been jamming to it all this afternoon.  They’ve also seemingly tossed it up for free on their BANDCAMP page, so you have the right to enjoy it, just in case you’re not into ordering tapes from abroad.  Regardless, these guys are really warming me over with their mellow affected pop tunes, and I have a feeling that it’s only a matter time before the rest of the world gets to see the talent laying in wait.


Download:Velcro – One Day [MP3]

Great New Song from Silver Firs

Sometimes in order to run this site, I have to seek out things other than my inbox (and other than P4k or Stereogum), so I often hit up various site, like I Guess I’m Floating; that’s where I found this wonderful new song from Silver Firs.  There’s more of a haunting indie rock chant associated with this song, rather than actualy lyrics, but the mood of the music is quite affecting.  You can find this jam, and more, when you pick up the self-titled album from this Swiss group.  It’s a casual number, but one that I hope you enjoy.


Download: Silver Firs – Away We Go [MP3]

Introducing You to Velcro!

When we hung out with Twerps the other night, their bosses so to speak, Chapter Music, suggested we get to familiarize ourselves with Velcro, the next big thing to come out of Australia.  The Melbourne group has released two EPs already this year, with my favorite being the first, Highest View.  There’s elements of bedroom electronic pop that they experiment with (fleshed out on their later EP Inadequate Lover) on the track featured below, but I like the innocence the song takes on in its simplicity; it gives you that endearing emotional appeal that a lot of bands seem to short for nowadays.  The rest of their brief catalogue sounds a bit like a Calvin Johnson meeting Diamond Rings in a sunny place.  Familiarize yourself with the band by checking out their BANDCAMP page (free EPs!!!), and then keep an eye out for more great things from the group.


Download:Velcro – Curfew [MP3]

SXSW Interviews: Spanish Prisoners

Spanish Prisoners are an up-and-coming act who are making their first venture to SXSW, not to mention their first venture together in a van! We all know how that can go, so we wish them the best of luck.  Also, you can download their excellent debut Gold Fools over at their bandcamp page, but be sure to donate to help support the cause! Here’s their answers to our questions: let’s be sure to give them a warm welcome. Read more

New Sleepy Pop from Sea Oleena

I’ve got to give out a shout to our reader James for bringing this wonderful track to my attention.  Sea Oleena is Canadian songwriter Charlotte Oleena, who composed the songs for her most recent self-titled album with the help of her brother.  It’s got this dream quality to it, but more in that wooded dream as opposed to the more dense dream-pop of late. Something about Oleena’s voice really draws you into her songs, encouraging you to devour every last second of the record.  You can grab the album for the special “name your price” deal over at her Bandcamp.


Download: Sea Oleena – Asleep at the Wheel [MP3]

Free EP from Netherfriends

You want something creative and tasty? Try listening to Netherfriends.  After the 50 Songs 50 States project, the group has now constructed an entire EP based around Harry Nilsson samples.  While it might push some buttons as sort of kitsch pop, it’s definitely pushing the envelope in regards to the music we can create with electronics pushing us into the future.  Just go to the group’s BANDCAMP page and search around; you’ll surely find something interesting, and the odds are it’s going to be something good.  If you’re looking for something that challenges your opinion of traditional pop, look no further, Netherfriends is here.


Download: Netherfriends – Full of it [MP3]

New Song from Elba

There seems to be a small amount of buzz growing behind Seattle group Elba, and I’m here to further their endeavor.  In September, the group will be releasing their self-titled album, which will hopefully put the band’s name out there.  On this track, the ringing guitar floating is mesmerizing, while the quieted backing vocals provide a new level of depth to the song’s sound.  Like me, you’ll scour the Internet for more tracks; you can find one on their BANDCAMP, and another HERE.  All signs point to a great release to further our already busy listening schedule in the fall.


Download: Elba – From A Sinking Ship [MP3]

New Tunes from ARMS (Todd Goldstein of Harlem Shakes)

In case you missed out on the now defunct Harlem Shakes, I’m here to let you know you missed something quite special.  For now, we can all make due with ARMS, the project of Todd Goldstein, formerly of HS.  He’s done some work on his own, but he’s now recruited a few friends to help flesh out the sound of ARMS.  His new moniker in tow, he’ll be releasing Summer Skills on November 8.  Some of the tracks, like the one below, you can find on a free EP over on the group’s BANDCAMP, but as for the rest, you’ll have to wait until November before you get to fall wholeheartedly in love.


Download: ARMS – Heat & Hot Water [MP3]

New Dream Pop from Work Drugs

When I first listened to this record by Work Drugs, I thought they surely had something going with Captured Tracks; it captures that minimal sound with warm melodies and quiet vocals. But, I was wrong, as these guys are going it alone, so your best bet is to get out there and support them.  They’ve just self-released their album, Summer Blood, and you can grab it for yourself over on the group’s BANDCAMP page.  If you’re looking for something in the vein of bedroom construction to wrap up your summer, then you better get on it soon, as this band is doing a great job crafting that sound.


Download: Work Drugs – Rad Racer [MP3]

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