Beach Baby Roll Out Another Hit

12469656_994839330587440_4474050032905112984_oI’m fairly confident that we’ve posted almost every single track that U.K.’s Beach Baby have shared with the world since they started making waves early last year. Luckily, they just keep turning out sleek twangy rock hits, and “Lost Soul” is the newest in this growing collection. Itcenters around the distinct power pop guitars that drive through the song, and the playful vocals mix things up. We can’t get enough of this band, and hopefully we’ll be hearing more from them soon.


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Obsessed with Beach Baby

12400736_995517367186303_5526766828372926204_nWhat else could we possible say about Beach Baby that we haven’t already covered at this point? Try a search for the band and you’ll return at last 5 or 6 results. Seriously, just hit play on this new song “Sleeperhead” and fall victim to the sweet tunes that have already captivated the entire ATH team. Carry on.

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How The Hell Did We Miss This Beach Baby Track?!

12068986_939893629415344_235488137911707035_oI’m dumbfounded, confused and a bit angry at myself because one of the bands we’ve been tracking since the beginning of the year dropped another blazingly beautiful track and we missed it! Oh well, not to worry, I’ve got this semi-new track from Beach Baby, “Limousine” below. It’s all sorts of surf rock magic, but like all the other tracks we’ve heard from this band, the guitars have this white hot distortion to them that puts some real urgency behind the surfy licks. Personally, I’m reminded a bit of The Vaccines with this track, with its catchy chorus and huge sound. Take a listen below and catch up on what you missed out on.

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More To Love From Beach Baby

I’m pretty sure with each new track that surfaces from UK band Beach Baby that us folks at ATH are falling further and further in love with the band, so I had to post the recently emerged B-Side, “U R.” This track is just as spot on surf pop and jangly guitar filled as the songs that we’ve heard before from the group, but here we get a little nuance in the subtle and detailed percussion as well as the smooth vocal delivery from the gentlemen. Beach Baby‘s sound is perfect for summer, and if they keep on rolling out these great tracks, I can only imagine what the band has in store for the future. Get listening before they blow up.

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Even More From Beach Baby

Untitled-1Nathan and Nicole have both already posted about up and coming UK band Beach Baby so I figured I better get on this cool kid train before it passes me by.  I’m winning between the three of us though because I’m getting to post what is, in my opinion, the best track of the lot entitled “No Mind No Money”.  From when we first heard the band back in February, I’m seeing an impressive progression here with more grit, power, and energy behind the already beautiful pop sound.  I expect these guys to be blowing up stateside real soon.

Beach Baby’s latest 7″ single with B-side “U R” is available for pre-order right now via B3SCI Records (out June 23rd).

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More From Beach Baby


Earlier this year, Nathan introduced you to UK outfit Beach Baby, and gave you a slice of their delightful dream pop with “Ladybird.” Today, I’m happy to give you some more of that pop with “Bruise,” a b-side of that aforementioned song that’s just as enticing, but in a completely different way. This track is filled with groovy guitar licks that swirl around the track, while the vocals remind me somewhat of Hamilton Leithauser with a hint more whimsy that suits the sultry guitars and subtle synths. If Beach Baby hadn’t already made your radar, “Bruise” should change that rather quickly; I’ll be jamming this track all day.

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Dreamy Pop from Beach Baby

beachbaby-SONG_ARTThis tune flew into my inbox yesterday and definitely added a dosage of chilling out that I greatly needed.  It’s the work of Beach Baby, a recently new arrival on the UK scene.  Their music lives somewhere in that spectrum between bedroom dream pop and indiepop goodness; there are soft vocals in a relaxed presentation.  That being said, I definitely see some room for the band to unleash a bit of live fury, should they choose to do so.  Look for their single to get more love as the band moves forward, with the single slated for a March release date.

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