World Brain Shares Minute Papillon

The French pop association gets thrown about an awful lot these days, but here we finally get some pop that’s sung in French from World Brain, and yes, it perfectly fits into that sort of neo-psychedelia, utilizing electronics to build the sonic structures. You’ll grab on to a slight little bounce, with the keys being used to emphasize the faintest hint of flare that livens up the jazzy influences and slight nod to birds. Vocals have just a hint of bounce to them, just a tinge of playground fun, and the French lyrics give it that depth that has kept the genre on the tip of our tongues of late. If you’re enjoying it, be sure to keep your eyes and ears peeled for Open Source, out November 1st.

Slipper Share Sacred Contradictions

One would think that the foggy pop sounds of the Bay Area was sort of an ownership agreement between bands and the city, but it looks like the formula has made its way over to Berlin where Slipper are offering up an excellent rendition of the sound. There’s a weeping melody in the guitar sound almost instantly, setting up the tones as the guitar strums along here. The vocals carry this feel of being lost between two worlds, one angelic and one more troubling. They do offer a bit of growl to their guitar sound at times, taking the sound and mixing it up and making sounds entirely their own. They’ll release A Tiny Rose Made Out of Clay on June 21 via Rehberge Records.

Moon Under Water Share Greene Around the Gills

There’s a soft spot in my heart for grandiose orchestral pop rock, but as of late, there haven’t been too many execute the style…though I think Moon Under Water might turn your head. They open up with this bounding rhythm, springing along with great arrangement work that seems to add a textural spirit to the tune itself. While that folk pop explosion builds, the band aren’t afraid to pull back from the rocking elements, which you’ll get in loads during the chorus moments, anchored by blasting horns and emphatic drum work, letting us all know that our hearts are still beating. If you’re digging this tune, might we suggest turning up their new LP, Some of Us Were Islands, out today!

Crow Baby Drop Pity Party

I was seeking out something a little bit different to dive into our weekly coverage, which is where I came upon Crow Baby‘s latest single. There are certainly elements throughout this tune that feel akin to the current indie rock trends, offering up a melodic core that focus on the pop sensibility. But, what I was really drawn towards were the playful bits outside of that core, striking with sharp delivery that reminded me of Deerhoof long ago…adding a bit more artistry and excitement to the general approach. Need a little flare to your pop hits? You’ll enjoy indulging below.

Stream New Album From Grimson

Berlin based Grimson has really been catching our ear over in the ATH offices as of late. Already we’ve been treated to two new singles over the last few months, and now we have the entire new album to stream below! Climbing up the Chimney is a showcase of all the things that make the young Aiden Berglund a true spotlight of a songwriter in the game today. He has a delicate nature to things with folk inspirations and light hints of brightness throughout the entire album. Check out this beauty below and also consider picking up a physical copy via bandcamp.

Grimson Announces Climbing Up the Chimney

When Grimson was a young child, he began to pen the ideas of what would turn into his latest track, “Round Trip Ticket;” it was a track detailing the separation of his family across continents. But, as his songwriting proficiency advanced, notes and details turned into this fully fleshed out bit of baroque pop. From the start, there’s this swelling bounce that tosses you on the saddle and ushers you into the track; it gives the song this steady beat, allowing for the rest of the arrangement to really fill in the details. And what a great job there, as sweeping strings and Grimson’s Beatles-esque vocals seem to wrap match that bounce and build in this stunning texture. If you’re digging it, Climbing Up the Chimney is the name of the new LP, and it hits on September 1st.

Sheer Stunner From Grimson

Berlin based artist Aiden Berglund has a new album coming out in September under his recording moniker Grimson and I think it might just be one of my favorites of the year. Without saying too much more and spoiling the surprise, I suggest you check out this new single “Leave it Like You Found It” and see for yourself why I am so hyped on this new music. It has this very delicate and intimate beginning which lures you in with its beauty but then the song opens up with a jolt of energy to give it this highly engaging and inviting feel. Truly a lovely piece of songwriting.

The aforementioned new album entitled Climbing Up the Chimney is due out on September 1st.

Half of a Rainbow Shares Morning on the Edge of the World

For all the hype and adoration of bedroom pop as a genre, there are really very few folks who manage to capture the sincerity of the style, which is why I’m gravitating towards Germany’s Half of a Rainbow. It’s the bedroom project of Johannes Harder, who takes nods from the likes of Sebadoh or early GBV, although I hear some of the grandiose nods to Stephin Merritt in the way vocals come across at times. This one burns slow, rising to this swelling pop apex that’s completely won me over this morning. Look for a debut release from the German artist next week!

The Underground Youth Share I Thought I Understood

If you were looking for something that to throw on your post-punk playlist, might I suggest this new track from Berlin (by way of Manchester) outfit The Underground Youth. Those opening guitar lines tickle you, pricking your ears up before the rhythm section joins in with this bobbing groove that sets the mood for the exploratory nature of Craig Dyer’s voice. Deep and melodic, his voice feels both reflective and pained in this presentation, aided by the way the background billows around him. They’ve just finished up their 11th LP in 15 years; Nostalgia’s Glass will be out on August 14th.

Daniel Bock Shares Career Moves

Daniel Bock is writing a record about a world where “melancholy sets in once you reach your mid-thirties,” which I feel is likely relatable for many of us out there. But, despite the notion of sadness that might lead you to expect, you won’t really find that in this spirited first single from the new album. There’s an immediate push of energy through the door as the song opens, a shuffling guitar jangle with a solid steady snare snap kicking things forward. Daniel’s voice has a nice melodic softness, regaling the story of a character making those career moves that likely feel more lateral than vertical…I’ve been there for sure! If you love this jam, be on the lookout for Benevolent Tourists later this year.

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