Last Week’s Jams (8.12 – 8.16)

I reckon we have a few more months of solid hits before the world settles into Year End Lists or what not, and while I may be swamped, I’m really enjoying the great music that just keeps pumping out. This week we had all sort of old favorites and new, with our pals in Humdrum announcing a new LP, while other reliables like APTBS were doing their thing. Really got into the new stuff from Weak Signal and Mo Dotti, not to mention that lovely track from Little Oso. And then, we were able to close out the week with Jim Nothing and Dancer dropping fresh songs? Yeah, just out here crushing it!

Last Week’s Jams (8.5 – 8.9)

Another week, and another weird day where I posted more than one person should, but alas, there has been a lot of really great music of late. So, below you’ve got our weekly playlist, sort of summing up where we ended last week, before we head into this new one. We had a really great Rock n’ Recipe interview with former ATX band Blood, plus some more local love for Letting Up Despite Great Faults. Covered some great new music from Naked Roommate, Wut and Lunar Vacation, then ended the week with one of my favorite acts, Constant Follower. There’s tons of music in between too, and we’ll be back again with more following these messages.

Last Week’s Jams (7.29 – 8.2)

Pretty sure our coverage crushed it this last week; I think there was one day where we covered ten songs in a single day! But, I’m about to end my summer break, so don’t expect that too much more. Alas, we had album shout outs for Blood, Male Gays, Aaberg, True Optimist and Teenage Tom Petties. Some of my favorite acts returned to the fold, like the Smashing Times and Pop FilterYoung Scum had a new jam, but it’s not streaming yet. Big hits from Chimers, The Gabys and the Softies kept us busy…and always nice to have a Chime School tune too! Enjoy the streams of last week’s jams!

Last Week’s Jams (7.15 – 7.19)

After a rather mellow preceding week, this past one hit hard with some bigs hits for us on our end. We took some time out to reach out to our friend Andy from Chime School, grabbed a quick interview and a vegan chili recipe. Fell in love with a couple of great new pop tunes from the likes of Sassyhiya and Sumos, plus that Casual Technicians wasn’t too shabby either. Repped some album love for Crack Cloud, Manners Manners, Julia Sophie, Immortal Nightbody, Red Jacket and Nightshift too. Plus, good solid Austin contingent getting love with new music from Being Dead, Hallo and Blood (Austin adjacent, right?). Dig in and find a cool tune below.

Last Week’s Jams (7.15 – 7.19)

For some reason, this past week felt a little slow in terms of new music coming our way, and while I say that, we still cranked out over 20 tracks for you to peruse below. I was super excited for the new track from Low’s Alan Sparhawk, the first music we’ve heard from him since the passing of his Mimi; it was a beautiful piece that shows Alan off on a grand adventure. The Reds, Pinks and Purples snuck in some special new singles, so we’re grateful Glenn got those out into the world. I was stoked on new stuff from Austin’s Marry Cherry, not to mention a new Wut tune that came our way. Kicked off this playlist with my favorite tune, Teenage Tom Petties bringing in the hooks with “Night Nurse.” So, press play and see what you missed out on last week!

Last Week’s Jams (7.8 – 7.12)

After a brief vacation, I apparently over-indulged while RayRay was out on the town, hitting up nearly 30+ songs, and some of those, like the premiere we ran for legendary Refrigerator, aren’t even on streaming platforms, so you have to go find em’ on the site! Austin had a big week, with acts like Club Coma, Liz Burrito, Voxtrot, Font and Letting Up Despite Great Faults throwing out some new jams. But, don’t think San Francisco/Oakland were game for being overshadowed, with Tony Jay, Sad Eyed Beatniks, Chime School, Fake Fruit and Parallel all dropping new jams. So, this is nearly 2 hours of really really great music, so sit back, press play, and escape the madness, albeit for a brief moment.

Last Week’s Jams (6.24 – 6.28)

For some reason, I felt like last week was kind of a slow-burn, but then when putting all the tracks we mentioned together, was stoked to see we had a solid amount for you to enjoy today. Personally, getting to celebrate new music from Feeling Figures and Being Dead feels like the world gets a win. But, there were also some great LP releases from the likes of Laughing and My Best Unbeaten Brother, amongst others. Totally excited to hear news of another endeavor from Mexico’s Mint Field, not to mention we got another sneak peek at what’s coming from the next Bad Moves LP, which of course has us stoked. Stream below!

Last Week’s Jams (6.17 – 6.21)

What started off as a slow week quickly hit hard once the Softies announced their return to the scene after a few decades away. While that may have overshadowed my personal adoration, there was still plenty of cool things to jam out to, or so I thought. The Teenage Tom Petties take on a power pop version of doo-wop, while Chime School announced what seems to be the purest of jangle pop record ever to exist. We had some outsider stuff too that I was super into, like the new Robber Robber single…plus some 7 degrees of Austin made easy with new music from Blood and Lunar Vacation. And, if you need sweet pop feels, try out the new 7ebra or Emma Russack jams. All in all, some great new finds for you here, if you’ll only press play.

Last Week’s Jams (6.10 – 6.14)

Consider yourselves lucky! Three of the song’s I wrote about didn’t make DSPs yet, otherwise, you’d have a two hour playlist of joy to listen through today. Luckily, Australia was keeping it real, with new stuff from The Male Gays, Pop Filter, Kosmetika and Alluvial Nuggets all gracing the site. There was some Austin show coverage too, namely Mikky & the Doom and Adrianne Lenker, so jams from those acts get included. On the personal tip, I was really pulling for the Manners Manners and Nightshift to be big hits out there in the scene, with this new Parallel tune right behind it! There’s also some expansive jams too from the likes of Immersion and Nap Eyes, if you need a tune over 5 minutes for your life. Enjoy.

Last Week’s Jams (5.13. – 5.17)

After what felt like a down week, things really took off over here, with another collection of great singles and albums we were stoked to hype up on our end of things. The Austin contingent came strong, with new tunes from Genuine Leather, The Sour Notes, Holiday Music, Letting Up Despite Great Faults and Gus Baldwin/the Sketch. Some long time favorites like Club 8, Nada Surf, and Icarus Phoenix made the cut too! Our pal Michael Maly added some words and photos on Slowdive, so of course we included their classic hit. A lot of great pop stuff too from Sad Eyed Beatniks, Laughing and This Is Lorelei, thus you’ll need to keep your focus when you spend some time below!

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