Get A Little Heavy With Heaters

unnamed (2)Heaters is a Michigan based band I’ve written about a few times in the past right here on ATH. Though I’m one to certainly get a little inundated with all the psych rock music currently clouding the genre, I feel like Heaters bring a little something different to the table. The band is a bit heavier, give us some true quality guitar playing, and seem tighter than almost any other band of the genre. Try out their new single “Centennial” and let me know what you think.

Heaters will release their sophomore album Baptistina on August 5th via Beyond Beyond is Beyond Records.

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Psych Rock Goodness From Midday Veil

11406529_10153480555113755_7897575093842938437_oSo Midday Veil, out of Seattle, are just about to release their latest full-length record, called This Wilderness in a few short weeks on September 11th, so they figured they’d share a new single from that record to give you a bit of a taste of what’s to come. “Babel” is a sprawling track of psych rock, with whirring synths and hazy vocals to set the tone. The band does a good job of leading you by the hand as they gently transition from each part of the track. Take a listen to the psych journey below and get ready for This Wilderness that’s out on Beyond Beyond Is Beyond Records soon.


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