Pleased to Meet You: STFU

stfuI love it when someone who you admire musically releases something new out of the blue, something you gravitate towards. Preston M. is a member of Bloody Knives, who’ve graced our Internet site before, and just yesterday he tossed up a completed album with D. Garcia, going by the name of STFU (that’s a wrestling move, right?). It’s part industrial electronica and part dream pop, meeting somewhere in the dark middle. I like that some tracks offer up vocals, while others clearly have the duo experimenting with sound. Like your music with a hint of darkness and noise, and a dash of pop? Get into the band’s debut album, What We Want. Stream it below.

Another Tune from Bloody Knives

bloodyI’m pretty sure that if you’re going to pick an album up this weekend, then it should definitely be this great new record from Austin’s Bloody Knives. Their latest single opens up with ambient noise, and then immediately blasts off into the vocal moment of the track, surrounded by feedback, pounding rhythms and a guitar that cuts right through the heart of the tune. Then it slows back into the atmospherics before shooting off again. It’s a statement track for I Will Cut Your Heart Out for This, balancing the beautiful moments with the deeper, noisier tones. One has to be careful to walk the fine line, but these guys do it oh so well. Look for the new LP this Friday via Saint Marie Records.

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Brand New Bloody Knives!

bloodyI’ve been following Bloody Knives pretty closely the last several years. The band play an abrasive version of modern dream pop/shoegaze, filling in their tracks with buzzing guitars and a warmth in the vocals that somehow manages to steady the ship for listeners. Their latest effort, I Will Cut Your Heart Out for This, already has an ominous attitude, and the single below fulfills that darkened omen with shrieking walls of guitars. But, perhaps the reason I’ve come to respect the band is that they manage to juxtapose that darkness with a gentle beauty, be it in central melodies or the vocals…it never disappoints. There aren’t too many, if any, acts around pulling this off…this well. Look for the LP on April 15th via Saint Marie Records.

Show Preview: Wednesday in Austin – Growl, Lunar Gold, Nic Armstrong

austin_mainMidweek Show? Why not. There’ s a bunch on the bill this week…some local, some travelers. Hotel Vegas has Growl and Que Pasa, but I’d also like to point out that Winter is coming in from Cali…and that band was incredible during SXSW (Show starts at 10). Or, you can head on out over to Spiderhouse for a slew of great acts…Sailor Poon, Lunar Gold, Bloody Knives; it’s a night of great local acts that you should already have on your radar (Show starts at 7). Also, those of you looking for something a little different might want to see Nic Armstrong and the Thieves doing their thing at Hole in the Wall (Show starts at (9:30).  I’ll toss out some jams below to give you some insight as to where you might want to go tomorrow night.


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Lunar Gold:

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Nic Armstrong:

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Contest: The Faint @ Belmont (5/2)


Listen up Faint fans, we have a special giveaway for you kids to see their show on Friday at The Belmont.  Up for grabs is a pair of tickets for you and a friend to enjoy this stellar show.  To enter, simply leave a comment below with your favorite song by the band and we’ll pick a winner based on our own opinions.  Contest ends tomorrow around 2pm so get those entries in now!  Winners and those attending the show, don’t forget to show up early for your openers Reptar & BloodyKnives.  Go!

Please don’t forget to leave a valid email address so we can get in touch with you.


Download: The Faint – Agenda Suicide [MP3]

Austin Midweek Show Choices

austinmusicWeekends in Austin always make it hard to pick a good show, but this Wednesday you’ve got a lot of really incredible options to choose from. I don’t even know which of these shows I’ll attend, but I’ll definitely be at one, if not two!  If you’re the type of person that likes to take your Hump Day with a little dose of rock n’ roll, pick one of these sweet concerts to check out. Click on the prices for ticket links.

Yuck, Sour Notes (tour kick-off), Hola Beach @ Red 7 – $13 – 9 PM

Teach Me Equals, Bloody Knives, Occulta Vero @ Beerland – 9 PM

together PANGEA, Mozes and the Firstborn, Hundred Visions @ Mohawk – $10 – 9 PM

Ash, Deaf Havana, The Villas @ Stubbs-  $12 – 8 PM

Here’s some tunes from Yuck and Mozes and the Firstborn.



Announcing Bloody Knives Beerland Residency

We’ve got to get out and support local Austin bands people.  I know, we all live here and love the music, and go to our fair amount of shows, but I feel like the attendees for great Austin acts have dwindled in recent years–unfortunately. Well, now’s your chance to rectify that, and get out to Beerland this Thursday to support the July residency of Bloody Knives.  They may not be the most well known band…yet, but their live shows are phenomenal, and the music just as good (if not better).  It’s time for us to back up our talk and get out to more local shows, so you know we’ll be here.  If you can’t make it this Thursday, it’s sort of okay, because you can plan ahead and make it to next weeks show, again, at Beerland.


Download:Bloody Knives – Bleed Out [MP3]

New Heavy Pop Track from Bloody Knives

There’s a lot less blood on the hands of Bloody Knives than one would expect, if you were going by their name and the title of their most recent album Blood.  That being said, it’s sort of irrelevant because the music they’re making is pretty incredible, and you can grab that record from Saint Marie Records.  As a kid who grew up with his fair share of angst, there’s a darkness captured in the song itself, but the combination of shoegaze elements transforms the song itself, giving it a metallic sheen to coat its pop attributes.  Totally enjoying this one.


Download:Bloody Knives – Bleed Out [MP3]

Show Preview: Bloody Knives @ Scoot Inn (8/23)

Date Tuesday, August 23rd
Location Scott Inn
Doors 900p
Tickets $5 at the Door

One of the bands that seems to have flown beneath the radar in the Austin scene is Bloody Knives.  Their fusion of shoegaze, post-punk, noise, ambient, etc is hands-down one of the most unique sounds in our nation, let alone our little town.  They’ll be putting on an exciting show over at Scoot Inn, and before hordes of Longhorns begin to fill out the bars, you should jump at the chance to see these guys; they can’t be our little secret for too much longer!  Also on the bill are other great local acts, The Vessel and Real Book Fake Book. Come on folks, now’s our time to get behind our local scene.


Download: Bloody Knives – I Was Talking to Your Ghost [MP3]

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