Dagars Play Space Pop

dagarsI’m really excited about the return of Grandaddy, but I’ve always been looking for like-minded groups to really give it a go at taking the reigns, much like Dallas’ Dagars do. True, they’re a little bit more spaced and atmospheric, but the vibe is definitely similar. They’ve also noted Boards of Canada as an influence, and you can hear some of the bits of sampling in this track too. It’s cool to hear acts replicating a genre that really fascinated me and let me drift away in the world.

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Friday Top 5: Meditative Albums

Happy Birthday to a real, badass dude: the Buddha. Without getting into a religious discussion, I feel that some albums are better at relaxing the listener and in some ways engage them at a deeper level. In these cases, the music serves as a map to guide the listener along a journey of self-discovery. In our modern, hectic lives, consumed by outside distractions and never-ending suffering around every corner, few of us can truly turn within and for just a moment, think deeply. As soon as we turn on our favorite album or mix-tape from someone special, we are transported to a meaningful place; there in that moment, enjoying it for what it is. So, in honor of the birth of one of the most influential people to ever grace the earth, here’s a list of the top 5 meditative albums to help get you in a thoughtful mood and let the world around you melt away.

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