Emma Russack and Lachlan Denton Share Authenticity

I was all prepared for a really forlorn vibe to course through the whole of this last single from Emma Russack and Lachlan Denton; honestly, you get this intimate listen to Lachlan here, just working his voices over a really light strum. At :51 seconds, he’s joined by Emma, carefully, then letting a percussive element join them, giving the song just the faintest little bob and bounce. There’s this carefully ornate guitar line soloing after the 2 minute mark that’s absolutely charming, setting Denton up for this incredibly powerful wail that just crashes into you with such brutal force that I’m pretty sure a tear came to my eye. Something is Going to Change Tomorrow, Today. What Will You Do? What Will You Say is out this Friday!

Emma Russack & Lachlan Denton Share Done My Time

On the first single from Emma Russack & Lachlan Denton, Lach took the spotlight, but here with “Done My Time” the control is given to Emma. I really fell in love with the percussion here, soft and gentle, like something you’d hear on an early Belle and Seabass album, or a Kings of Convenience track, like a fox running through the snow. Emma maneuvers her voice atop a softened strum and a punctuating piano line, adding just the faintest bounce. Fall’s creeping in on our end of things, and its starting to open my tastes up a bit more to some great contemplative pop, so this is perfectly fitting. Something is Going to Change Tomorrow, Today. What Will You Do? What Will You Say? is out on October 8th via Bobo Integral.

Another Jam from Motorists

Did you order yourself a copy of Motorists new LP yet? No, well what are you waiting for? Oh, you need another hook-laden jam to tease you into throwing down some cash? Well, perhaps you want to check out the album’s title track, jamming below. It opens with a sharpness, those cutting riffs kicking those boots high in the air as you dance and stomp your way all across your bedroom floor. But, the chorus steers way clear of those angling riffs, bringing in an sort of barrage of 90s college rock attitude; it’s the sort of thing you’d expect to hear on the radio had it hit in a different time. This sort of intermingling of sounds is something I hope is prevalent throughout Surrounded; I guess we’ll find out when it drops on September 3rd via Bobo Integral/Debt Offensive/We Are Time.

Motorists Share New Vainglorious Single

I’m really hoping folks get captivated by the work of Motorists, as they seem to be building the components to a most excellent LP. Their second single has this song that feels like its stranded in musical territory, picking up psychedelic licks while also employing some circular jangles; the rhythm section keeps the song pushing forward too, bobbing all along. All that before I even mention how much I love Craig Fahner’s voice on this jam; he’s got this knack for throwing out a vocal hook that feels pop and punk at the same time, and I can’t help but swoon, especially when bassist Matt Learoyd adds some backing texture. They’ll be dropping their Surrounded LP on September 3rd via Bobo Integral/Debt Offensive/We Are Time.

Rock n’ Recipes: Quivers

Earlier this year, Quivers released the most excellent Golden Doubt, receiving rave reviews all over the globe…not to mention ATH adoration. So, having followed the band, we reached out to songwriter Sam Nicholson to ask a few questions about the record and its release, and asked him to share a recipe with us. He’s obliged with some incredible answers, and a recipe for Golden Doubt Lemon Delicious Self-Saucing Pudding. Read on and find yourself a detailed recipe you can easily follow at home!

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Emma Russack and Lachlan Denton Announce New Album

Two of my favorite songwriters have teamed up once again! Emma Russack and Lachlan Denton (Pop Filter) have reunited for another record, which based on the first single, will likely be filled with charming pop numbers you’ll play time and time again. We open here with this jangling piano line, something akin to a classic rock feel with Lachlan narrating the storyline. Quickly, guitars begin to ring a bit more, there’s a swell and suddenly Emma joins in to lift the song’s spiritual connection. The song travels back to another verse/chorus before the rest of their friends join in the fun to “take solace” in the togetherness. They’ve titled the new record Something is Going to Change Tomorrow, Today. What Will You Do? What Will You Say, and its out on October 8th via the always reliable Bobo Integral/Spunk Records/Osborne Again.

Motorists Announce Surrounded

If Bobo Integral announces a new record, you better believe I’m going to rush over to give it a listen, which is why Motorists are my new favorite band! The Canadian outfit just signed up to release their debut Surrounded LP with the label, and it’s the perfect blast of power-pop for your Thursday. In the press release you get mentions like The Nerves and the Soft Boys, but if you wanted an update list, think of a cleaner version of your favorite garage band; it kind of sounds like Deadbeat Beat with a little bit more anthemic vibes coursing through it. You can already tell there will be hooks galore filling up this listen, so don’t skip out! The release is out September 3rd, as a co-release between Bobo Integral/Debt Offensive/We Are Time.

Another Great Massage Tune

This Massage LP better not sell out before I get paid, though admittedly, it should definitely be on everyone’s radar. The latest single has this wistful vibe, something akin to a movie scene where the passenger stares longingly out a window hoping/praying for a better day than today…or at least that’s how I’m hearing it. Plus, the jangles and the synths give the song this wash that sounds incredibly similar to Another Sunny Day’s “You Should All Be Murdered,” and that is 100% reason alone to steam this song and tap your toes. I mean, how many great songs can this band write? We’re going to find out when Still Life drops on June 25th.

What’s Cool in Australian Music, Today

Clearly I’m struggling to not write about all the songs and all the cool things, so why not turn three posts into one, you know, just to cut down on boring you with my mundane thoughts on people’s music. So, below, you’ve got streams to 2 great LPs and a new single.



Shrapnel – Alasitas

This record’s impossible to describe in the absolute best way possible, though I’ve tried to pigeon-hole the band’s sound in the past. Just imagine bits of indie pop, elements of experimentation, prog and psych, then swirled about like the colors on the album art. This is an LP worth self-immersion.

Quivers – Golden Doubt

They’re going to get Go-Betweens comparisons, based on the band’s line-up alone, and parts of that are unfair, but parts are definitely just. What’s just is that they’re writing the same style of timeless pop tunes you want to share with everyone you love. I’m stuck on “When It Breaks” at the moment.


Delivery – Brickwork

I’ve already written about the first single from the band’s forthcoming Yes We Do EP, so, feels like we should continue that support as they offer up another frantic bouncer, an energetic frolic in fast forward. Their new 7″ will drop at the end of the month via Spoilsport!

Yesterday’s Massage Video

We’ve definitely been supporting Massage on their new LP, careful to throw in only the appropriate Pains of Being Pure at Heart references where applicable. Here we are a day late on their new video for the record’s first single, which is the opening track on Still Life. For me, this tune is all about the juxtaposition of the varying guitar sounds that course through the song. At times they’ve got that disorienting fuzz, other times you get crisp circular jangles, at times both battling for air…and all of it dripped over a simply thunderous beat. Honestly, what’s amazed me the most about this record, or at least the singles, are how well balanced everything is…every guitar sound, drum beat, and vocal; its really a special treat for us all. Still Life is out in July via Mt. St. Mtn./Tear Jerk/Bobo Integral.

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