Show Pics: Wild Nothing at Red7 (8/29)

Late night for the photo guy, album reviewer, significant others and assorted friends.

Wild Nothing last played Red7 on the coldest day of the year in 2011. I remember icy sidewalks and legit need for wool hats. This time around, the show moved to the larger outdoor stage to accomodate demand with a swing of the weather pendulum towards 90F at show time. Austin’s Boy Friend and Super Lite Bike opened.

Click though for a few thoughts and plenty of pics.

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Show Preview: Wild Nothing @ Red 7 (8/29)

Date Wednesday, August 29th
Location Red 7
Doors 900 pm
Tickets $10 from Transmission

I’m sure you’re probably tired of us always raving about Wild Nothing, but I promise you this is a show you need to be at.  I was skeptical at first, knowing the group was mostly a bedroom project, but Jack and his buds totally killed it that night, making me a life-long fan for sure.  I know all of us at ATH couldn’t do anything but rave about it for a good solid month.  Plus, two great ATX bands will help get you in the mood: Boy Friend and Super Lite Bike.  Please get there early to support all the bands…it’s always appreciated.


Download:Wild Nothing – Nowhere [MP3]

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