Chris Smith Shares Second Hand Smoke Video

Chris Smith just released his brand new album Second Hand Smoke, and since records never die, we’re encouraging your attention by sharing this video that accompanies the album’s title track. In the video, you’ve got this colorful stop-motion footage, seemingly matching every stretch and stomp of the guitar. The song reeks of a swampy blues, raw and barbaric, with guitar lines snaking around your speakers as sounds of the lonely desert echo through your brain. As for the rest of the record, its as if Smith has just split his chest open with a knife and let his guts spill out before you; you’ll be greeted by an emotional album that will haunt the rest of your day. I’ve been really enjoying “Sunny” and “Animal;” you can find it now via It Records.

Who On Earth Is Chris Smith?!?!?

chrisUnless you live in Australia, the odds are you probably haven’t heard of Chris Smith up until now.  Don’t feel alone, I was in exactly the same boat until 24 hours ago, when I found this tune, and now I’m absolutely hooked.  The music ambled along from the moment I pressed play, and I was drawn into the tune; I love the sound of the guitar work throughout the entirety of the track.  But, Smith’s vocals, straining from the background further pulled me under, convincing me this was something I couldn’t ignore…and now neither can you. This tune will be featured on his LP, Bad Orchestra, which has a slated release date of October 14th via Hermit Hut.

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