Transy Warhol Share Deceiver, Baby Single

Be it Big Boys or the Dicks or Big Bill, Austin has had its share of jittering punk rock acts through the last several decades, but its time for Transy Warhol to assume their rightful spot on the throne this year. Their latest single has those jagged guitar chops, knifing their way right through your speakers, wiggling and squirming into your inner ear. Meanwhile, Ruby del Mar emphatically growls through the microphone, flirting with the band’s more dangerous side; it’s a great counterpoint to the rhythm section, working with the guitars to add a little bit of pogoing punk rock to the sand. At times you’ll hear the frantic angularity, other times the song embodies more primal tendencies…so you get a little bit of everything in their sound. The group are set to release Control on April 28th!

Transy Warhol Share Kaleidoscope

When booking our annual SOTO vs ATH party at Hotel Vegas, one of the bands I absolutely had to have on our line-up was Transy Warhol, who absolutely killed their set on the indoor stage. Around Austin, they’re known for their punk tendencies, which I adore, but this new single takes that staple sound and stretches it into something that seems quite a bit more bold and dramatic. It honestly feels like some of those early Cure pieces, when the band was clearly not ready to dive into the weirdness yet, holding onto punk structures whilst stretching it into these striking pop masterpieces. This is such a jam, you’ve got to press play right now! They’ll drop Control on April 28th.

Transy Warhol Drop Afterglow Single

Austin outfit Transy Warhol have been dubbed the next Big Boys, taking up the torch passed through acts like Big Bill and others. But, while the punk side is there, it’s fleshed out on this fresh single in an artier, almost melodic fashion. The vocals have a bit of gruffness, but they’re curled into warm croon that very much feels like it could be the sound of a number of 80s post punk acts. I like the frantic nature of the guitars, stabbing at the speakers with this angular sharpness that really gets the blood flowing, so keep an eye out on this lot as they’ll be releasing their debut Control later this year!

Constant Smiles Share You’re On Your Own

This new track from the forthcoming Constant Smiles LP seems like the best way to kind of wrap up my coverage today. There’s this natural haunting sensation that seems to emanate from my speakers when I press play; the band have crafted this ethereal song wavering between dream pop and folk tendencies, with Ben Jones voice drifting through the song like some familiar ghost from past. Short and sweet, the seductive nature of the tune beckons, begging you to immerse yourself in their musical world. You can do so if you grab a copy of Control when it drops on June 19th via Living Waters Records.

Enjoy This Dreamy Pop Number from Goth Dad

Back as a teenager, I craved those loud guitars, that barrage of noise. But, as my tastes have evolved, I think I lean towards the prettier side of the “gaze” arena. This new Goth Dad tune really is doing it for me, bringing in that side with these shimmering keyboard notes and careful guitar chords just hanging out in the air. Sure, there’s a few moments when the distortion pedal gets pushed all the way in, and it actually fits quite nicely into the context of this track. I’ll take pretty and restrained any day over noise for noise sake. Congrats to this Mississippi act on a well-written gem.

One More BOYO Hit

BOYOWe’re just a week away from the release of BOYO‘s first album, Control, so we’ve got to maximize exposure for the young songwriter. This tune has a solemn feel to it, created by the way the vocals were recorded distantly in the mix. In doing so, the emphatic touches of the song itself burst forth rather infrequently, almost like a mini burst of pop dosage; it reminds me a lot of Built to Spill on Nothing Wrong with Love. I find it catchy, yet dreamy at the same time, which is why I’ll be getting my hands on the record when it’s released next Friday via Danger Collective.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Another Enjoyable BOYO Track

boyoJust a few weeks away from the debut release of the BOYO LP, and it seems fitting that we have one last single to share with you before it hits. This is another track that offers up another installation of the chilled vibes that seem to be coming our way as the release of Control nears. Musically, it seems pretty casual, with nothing to complex, but in stripping it down to the basics it allows for the harmony to achieve ultimate success. The more I press play, the more this song realizes its addictive potential; I can’t stop playing it again and again. You can grab the record on August 26th via Danger Collective Records.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Enjoying Listening to BOYO

boyoI’m addicted to voices. Perhaps because I was never great at playing instruments, I’ve always gravitated towards voices, be they beautiful or peculiar. On this BOYO tune, it took me a second to really immerse myself…that was until the vocals entered. Clearly, there’s a bit of an effect on the voice, yet there’s something that feels angelic. Eventually, it drew me into the arrangement of the rest of the track, the way vocals are pushed up by swelling strings; I also took note of the casual attitude throughout. Control will be the debut album, being released on August 26th via Danger Collective Records.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Dreller Gives You White-Hot Electro-Alt Pop

10986832_1101394843221148_1893510594416241249_oDreller is a multi-instrumentalist based out of London, who also just so happens to be an animator and filmmaker.Now, as you’ll find out from the music video below for “Control,” this track is pretty much radio ready, heavily electronically influenced, pop music, but there’s something compelling in that choral hook that brought me back for repeated listening. Personally, I like the way the track takes a bit of time to really get going, and then once it’s off, those layers of synths and guitars don’t ever stop their dicey groove.

What do you think about it?


Show Preview: David Bazan @ The Parish (12/1)

Date 12/1/12
Location The Parish
Doors 9pm
Tickets SOLD OUT!

If only I was in town Saturday night, I’d surely be at the Parish on Saturday night for a nostalgic show featuring David Bazan playing the Pedro the Lion classic Control.  Now I don’t see any word of an opener on the website, so attendees are all in for a special treat to take us back to our younger days.  My apologies for those of you without tickets, because the show is sold out.  This show post made me go back and listen to that classic album from 2002, and you should really be there to relive the glory.


Download: Pedro the Lion – Penetration [MP3]

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