Lauren Green and the Old is New

lrnMany of you are surely (hopefully) aware of Lauren Green, one of the lead songwriters behind Austin/New Mexico act, Mirror Travel. While she just released Cruise Deal (Mod Out) this last week, she also quietly released a few EPs over the last few years that may have gone unnoticed. That is unless you were Keeled Scales, who will be compiling her two EPs (Grape Perfume/Easy Spirits) into one great cassette for your listening pleasure. I put the latest of the two, Grape Perfume, below for you to sample, as I think it’s my favorite of the two. It’s great to see a different mindset and songwriting structure for someone we’ve listened to for so long. You can order the cassette right HERE…and stream one of the two EPs below.

Can’t Not Share Another Great Track From Mirror Travel

mirrortravel_hiresOk, I’ll say it: Mirror Travel is one of my favorite underrated bands to come out of Austin… even if they’ve relocated to New Mexico. With each new single they release in anticipation of their upcoming album, Cruise Deal, I get a little bit more excited to hear what they’ve got in store for us this time around. “Aasim” shows the same sort of heavy guitars and big sound that they’ve treated us to with other single, “Yesca,” but this one is a bit more of a slow jam. Make sure you listen below, catch them sometime when they’re around town for SXSW and get ready forCruise Deal, which will be out very soon on March 11th viaModern Outsider.


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