Another Attic Abasement Track

atticJust a bit ago we tossed up a relatively new track from Attic Abasement, and I’m going out to say that I’m even more attached to this new tune. There’s some old school indifference to polished vocals, capturing every inflection as the music works its way behind. In a weird way, it sort of sounds like Cult of Youth, minus that whole shanty thing; it holds onto a punk ethos, yet still enchants your everyman. Their new LP, Dream News, will be out on May 27th via Father/Daughter Records.

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Something Different from Language of Shapes

languageI was searching for something different today, something that wasn’t your typical indie blog track, so I’m happy I stumbled upon this tune from Language of Shapes.  The song has this pirate shanty folk aspect, similar to some of the early Cult of Youth albums.  But, the vocals have this odd recording effect in play, which creates a warble that resembles Dan from Destroyer; it all leaves you with a spectacular song begging to go back and discover exactly why you fell in love with it. You’ll be able to hear more such tunes when the band release their ThunderKryst EP, coming later this Spring.

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ATX Weekend Show Spotlight: Leon Bridges, Yonatan Gat + More

austinmusicIt’s a really good weekend for shows, and it’s good to see the scene heating back up after the Winter seasonings. Friday night is sure to be the highlight of the weekend, but look to some other rad shows you can attend about town. These are just a few of my suggestions, so if you’re not feeling what I’m into, feel free to look up your own gig to attend.  Also…it’s clear Leon Bridges is blowing up.  Read more

Another Listen to New Cult of Youth

cultThe last track I heard from Cult of Youth saw the band exploring some new territory, but their latest single has them revisiting their own hallowed ground.  This song opens with a strummed guitar ringing, as if they’re creating this huge pop sphere that’s waiting to explode. However, Sean Ragon’s darkened vocal touch takes away from that world, offering a more balance approach.  For me, I’m stuck on the lyrics and the emotional appeal of the musical construction, so I’ll be picking up the band’s new effort, Final Days, when its released by Sacred Bones on November 11th.

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Welcome Return from Cult of Youth

cultishYes, it’s a welcome return, in my eyes, for Cult of Youth, but don’t expect the band to sound precisely like you remember.  They always had a macabre sound, which perhaps resonated more from singer Sean Ragon’s voice, but this time around, they’ve delved completely into it, crafting this hypnotic tune.  It’s closer to a post-rock piece than the band’s folk work before, but perhaps that’s because Ragon has finally found the group he always dreamed he’d have, and there’s more of a full band feel to this song.  We’ll see which way the wind blows when Final Days is released on November 11th via Sacred Bones Records.

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New Found Track from The Hunt

huntSeems like today is a good day to catch up with all the tunes that have been coming out recently that I liked, but saw other people get to first.  It’s slow around these parts, so I want to post this tune from The Hunt, who are no longer, but will see a lost LP released soon.  All they really had to tell me was that the guys in the Hunt now work in Cult of Youth, which is one of those bands I love to love.  Their sound reminds me an awful lot of a more Robert Smith influenced version of Cold Cave; it’s built on gothic premise, but remains every bit a pop sound.  You like it? You’re in luck. Sacred Bones Records will release The Hunt Begins on November 12th.

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Top Albums of 2012: 50-1

Here it is.  I know you’ll hate it; I know you’ll disagree, but that’s not the point in making an arbitrary list.  We here at ATH worked really hard to fit in the tastes of the four of us, and when we decided upon our Top 50, it really boied down to simple math.  What albums did we love when they came out?  Do we still enjoy spinning those records months later? If they’re in the Top 50, then the asnwer is probably yes.  I mean, our Top 2 records came out in January, and still play a vital part in my weekly listening.  There’s no disclaimer here.  We are who we are, we like what we like, and we hope that’s okay with you. If not, drop us a line and let us know where we went wrong.

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Fun Fun Fest Recap: BGray Edition

I usually end up putting in more miles around a festival then those other two guys. That means I usually see and more importantly hear more bands than the average festival goer.

This year, I was able to relax a bit on Friday as I was with out photo pit access. Once all that was remedied, it was full steam ahead. I had plenty of fun chasing the sound. We’ll start with a Top 5 bands and then hit on festival observations.

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FFF 2012: Sunday In Pictures

Final day. Your feet, lungs and liver have taken a beating, but the pain feels good now.

I had a busy slate of things I wanted to check out on Sunday. I started bright and early to catch favorite locals on the upswing and kept after through the headliner. Final installment of shots from FFF7 will bring you Flesh Lights, Ume, Balmorhea, Cult of Youth, Bleached, A Place to Bury Strangers, Class Actress, Trust, Deerhoof, The Promise Ring, Omar Rodriguez Lopez, Black Angles, De La Soul and Edward Sharpe.

Tons of eye candy after the break.

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Fun Fest Recap: RayRay Edition

We’ve always had one hell of a time at Fun Fest every year, and we always have some fun after the festival discussing our take on each day’s events.  This year, we’re letting each one of our writers provide their own take on the weekend with a personal recap of the goings ons so as to not compromise or impose on any one writer’s opinions.  I’ll be starting things off today with some random thoughts and favorite bands from the best festival in town.  Follow the jump for more from me.

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