Fresh Electro Folk From Astronauts

1956823_294205520754518_8635240297309042899_oIt’s been about a year since we’ve heard from Astronauts, or the project of London’s Dan Carney. Regardless of that absence, Astronauts are back in the form of a sleek little jam by the name of “Civil Engineer,” which you should take a listen to below. The track simmers for its duration, the synths combine with some gritty undertones of guitar as well as layers of subtle vocals to create a highly textured song. You’ll find it’s easy to lose yourself in the song; Carney’s vocals are soft and entrancing. Stay tuned for the official release of the single on February 19th via Lo Recordings.

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More From Astronauts


A couple of months ago, I told you about London’s Dan Carney and his folk pop project, Astronauts. I shared with you his Four Songs EP, but today I’ve got a single that was recently released, “In My Direction.” This track is from Astronauts’ debut album, Hollow Ponds, which is available now for your listening pleasure, and it combines a lot of quality elements of both of those aforementioned genres to win your heart. It’s got a subtle acoustic guitar riff at its core, layered soft vocals and builds through its course, adding in more detail and elements as it grows. Enjoy its understated goodness and pick up Hollow Ponds here.

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