Last Week’s Jams, Today (7.18 – 7.22)

We got back to being super busy last week, with RayRay premiering that new No Win jam, plus a bunch of other new stuff that we were stoked to dive into. Good to see Free Time and Laura Jean back with new stuff, not to mention a little local love from the likes of First Names and Twain (he lives here!). All in all, its a bunch of stuff, all over the place musically, just like we do, so hopefully this kicks your Monday into gear!

Dan Mangan Shares Fire Escape Video/Single

A quick search for the name Dan Mangan on our site will return a massive amount of posts from the Vancouver based songwriter over the years. Simply put, I am a huge fan. As a follower of Mangan’s work, I am excited to be sharing his latest single “Fire Escape” which features an incredibly well shot video featuring Steven Ogg (you may recognize him from The Walking Dead). If for some reason you have yet to check out the music of Dan Mangan, this should be a perfect entry point.

Mangan is also heading out on tour this fall. Check out dates here.

Dan Mangan – More Or Less

Rating: ★★★★☆

I had to search our own site to find out how long it’s been since I’ve posted an album review and I will refrain from embarrassing myself with the exact timeframe, though you could search yourself I guess. We as an ATH staff have been neglectful as a whole when it comes to album reviews and we are hoping to rectify this moving forward. Hopefully you can understand that if an album has brought me out of my review slumber it must be a great one. The very soon to be released new album from Dan Mangan, More Or Less, is just such an album because, holy hell, it’s impressive. Hit the jump for some thoughts, photos, and tunes.

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Can’t Get Enough Dan Mangan

The new Dan Mangan album More or Less is very quickly climbing up my list of favorite albums coming out this year. Now I apologize to those of you who have to wait for the release date, but trust me when I say you won’t be disappointed once the LP drops next week. For those who need more proof of the album’s greatness, I suggest you check out this new song “Cold in the Summer”. Mangan is seriously creating some of the best work of his career.

New album More or Less hits the streets on November 2nd via Arts & Crafts.

Another Beauty From Dan Mangan

Earlier this summer I was reminded of the greatness created by Dan Mangan and his music. Still unsure as to why he fell off my radar over the years, these new singles from his latest album are a wake up call. This new track “Just Fear” is yet another beauty of a songwriter tune which will fall in with some of the best works of Mangan’s career. Though he still flies somewhat under the radar, the guy is a true genius.

Mangan will release new album More or Less on November 2nd via Arts & Crafts.

Dan Mangan Still Has It

Not sure why it’s been so long since I’ve mentioned the legendary Dan Mangan on our website as he’s been a busy guy over the years. Maybe we just aren’t that good at this… Regardless, Dan is currently working on a new album and has offered a delightful new tune called “Troubled Mind” as a preview of the new material. Contrary to his usual singer/songwriter genre, this track has much more of a driving rock sound to it sort of similar to something you might hear from Spencer Krug/Moonface. Though the sound is light and cheerful, the lyrics play nicely as a counteracting agent to create a balanced mood. I’m happy to say that it’s put me back on board the Dan Mangan fan wagon.

Mangan will release a new album sometime later this year on Arts & Crafts.

New Music From Dan Mangan

The ATH crew loves us some Dan Mangan.  We’ve been huge fans of his since his early days and we continue to tune in when new music comes our way.  This new track “We Want to Be Pleasantly Surprised, Not Expectedly Let Down” streaming for you below is planned as a 7″ single release for Dan and is surely something you’ll want to pick up on the physical release date of October 16th.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Show Pics: Dan Mangan and Blind Pilot @ The Parish

Dan Mangan opened for Blind Pilot. This is a great pairing which caused a packed-house sell-out. There were a few sing-alongs to go along with all of the great music. I was on hand to get some photos of the show and because both bands are full of musicians that take their performance seriously, I left a fan of both bands. It doesn’t hurt that the show was perfectly paired with its venue, The Parish.

So more on the show and plenty of images after the break…

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New Music From Dan Mangan

Here’s a sweet new tune from folk songwriter Dan Mangan called “Oh Fortune” that we’ve been enjoying today.  The song is set to appear on a new album of the same name due out September 27th on Arts & Crafts.  For now we can only offer you a stream of the song, but an MP3 can be found over on the Dan Mangan site.  The guys really is an incredible songwriter.

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