Old Man of the Woods Shares Let Me Miss You

When it comes to the softer brand of lo-fi, there are certain things that definitely allow me to immerse myself in the musical element, one of which is a distinctive voice. Miranda Elliott, the songwriter behind Old Man of the Woods, has this way of letting her voice seemingly quiver, rising up and down from syllable to syllable, forcing enchantment on listeners. The music here seems to be made of this jangling strummed loop, naked at first, then adding a further texture to the song to elevate the arrangement; this is the brand that gets me on board! Look for the debut, Votives, on October 15th via Totally Real Records.

Power Supply Announce Debut Album

If you’re up on your Aussie hit-making machines, you probably have heard of Ooga Boogas, and if not, you’ve probably heard other projects by the members (most notably Mikey Young). But, when the band broke up, Leon Stackpole went about writing his own tunes, then recruited a bunch of friends to play with him under the name Power Supply. We’ve got a new single with the announcement of their debut LP, In the Time of the Sabre-Toothed Tiger, and man, this just feels like exactly what I’ve been looking for these days. Throughout, the song sort of has this rolling gallop to it, with the lyrics sort of weaving in nonsensical elements to kind of craft its very own theme. For some reason, I keep thinking of this tune as a Joanthan Richman tracked channeled through a Robert Pollard drinking session. Try it on for yourself! The LP drops October 22nd via Goner Records.

Cowgirl Share Something I Needed to Do

The last few years have seen a bunch of one-off singles from York’s Cowgirl, and the band are finally ready for their debut LP, coming your way in the near future via Safe Suburban Home Records. If you ask me, and perhaps this is sacrilege, but just imagine you were a big fan of Wilco, but then you think they needed something with more punch and panache…that might be a good way to describe what’s happening here. There’s steady ballad writing, with nice melodic moments lurking throughout the track. Then you land upon the chorus and the riffs get fuzzy and things start to rule!

Petite Amie Announce Self-Titled Debut LP

Here’s a new band to put on your radar: Petite Amie. The Mexican band is brandishing this late night explorative pop, bordering somewhere between sublimely chill and French dreaminess…both are good. This song’s got this subtle little dance floor groove, that little shoulder shimmy as you spin about the dance floor, and that alone sets you in the mood to let your body smile as you listen through. Aline Terrein has these pseudo-disco vocal notes, like some late night DJ serenading you deep into the morning hours as you tap your toes and bob your head. The band will be releasing their self-titled debut via Devil in the Woods/Park the Van on October 1st.

Gustaf Return with Book Single

Having ben on board with their “Design/Mine 7”, it only makes sense that I’m gearing up to support Gustaf with their debut album, Audio Drag for Ego Slobs. Interestingly, the video for their latest single finds singer Lydia running down the street, encountering her band mates in precarious situations, much as you might have seen in the band’s “Mine” video. Musically, its got that same erratic punk flavor, built on propulsive rhythm work and angular guitars cutting through Lydia’s vocal performance. The band seem to some how bottle up this natural tenacity, giving their music an intensity that I find infinitely rewarding. Plus, with their new album, they’ll be touring in support of Idles this Fall, so be on the lookout as they come to a town near you. Audio Drag for Ego Slobs is out October 1st via Royal Mountain Records.

Fortitude Valley Share Baby, I’m Afraid Video

If Laura Kovic wanted to get our attention with her band line-up, it doesn’t hurt that she’s fleshed out the Fortitude Valley line-up with members of Martha and Night Flowers. It also bodes well that the band just keep releasing these pop rock jams that just get stuck up inside your head! The latest singles is almost as much fun to watch as it is to listen to, letting these grunge-y pop rock riffs rip and swirl all over the place as Kovic bounces her voice in and out of the song’s grooves. The video matches up with the song perfectly, giving the sense that the band are not only enjoying the songwriting, but each other as well, which is always a bonus for a fan. Fika Recordings will release the debut self-titled LP in October of this year!

Central Heat Exchange Share Directly Down

The pandemic collective that created Central Heat Exchange is certainly offering up some rewarding sounds, with the latest single just dropping, aided by vocals from Stephanie Smith of Varsity this go round. This round has the band focusing on the hypnotic nature of their craft, building these textural layers that allow Smith’s voice to sort of swirl about in your headspace. Personally, there’s these little moments where the careful quiet switches to a more emphatic wash of noise, though you almost don’t even notice you’re caught up in it, which is a wonderful way to get lost in song. The band’s debut LP will be out September 10th courtesy of Sunroom/Citrus City/Beirthday Cake.

John Roseboro Releases MFL Video

John Roseboro‘s spent much of this year prepping us for the release of his debut album, and for those not in the know, “MFL” is a great little introduction to John’s work. For me, the narrative of making mistakes and forgiveness is something relatable for all folks, or so I hope; it’s made all the more accessible by the narrative nature of John’s songwriting here. The song takes a light bossa nova feel, using sharp little guitar notes combined with wonderful horn arrangements to give the song some added depth. It’s the sort of relaxed summer vibe we all enjoy, so sit back and just wait for John’s debut to hit later this year!

Slow Rosary Shares Montserrat

Please. Put aside six minutes of your time today. Sit somewhere quiet and listen to this new single from Slow Rosary. At first, you get this slow strum and dramatic vocals, stark in their presentation, with powerful lyrics from Rene Duplantier; the lyrical storytelling recalls the works of other literary songwriters like Meloy, Darnielle or Oberst. Progressing, the song seems to carry this undercurrent, this loneliness that swells with emotion as we all fine common ground with the tune, falling deep into the song as little flourishes begin to seep through the speakers. Just before the song hits the 4 minute mark, the tune erupts, drums roll over you and cymbals crash as the twang of the guitar wanders about your room; it feels like an album’s worth of music accomplished in just under 7 minutes. Refinery, the debut album from the project, will be out August 27th.

The Umbrellas Announce Self-Titled Debut

So, I’m probably a few days late to this one, but I was on vacation! And, as a huge Slumberhead (that’s what we call ourselves, right?), I’m entitled to to post about the announcement of the Umbrellas debut LP! This San Fran act honestly reminds me of their label-mates, the Jeanines, except maybe clearing out some of the fuzzy cobwebs and offering up a more sugary presentation. It’s heavy on the jangles, sharpened with great melodic vocals, and to be fair, it’s everything you’ve probably ever loved about indiepop bands, past and present. A timeless sound that I never tire of hearing; look for the self-titled debut on August 6th via Slumberland!

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