Crisp Indie Rock From Decorations

10371487_858375374237169_1733730842081193402_nEveryone needs a little bit of breezy indie rock every once and a while to keep things light and jamming. Today, that source of lightness comes from the radio-ready, anthemic track called “Promise” from LA’s Decorations. It’s got everything you need for a sunny spring day; clean electric guitar sounds that flood the mix with brightness, while a bit of piano balances out the furious guitar and driving percussion. This song is fun and free, with catchy chorus’ to keep your Thursday light. Take a listen.


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Straight Pop From Decorations

unnamedThe ATH crew here loves us some good pop music when it comes our way and this new track called “Girls” from L.A. based Decorations is perfect.  It’s a straight pop number with some louder guitars and some super slick synth parts thrown in to really brighten things up.  Seriously, I’d find it hard to believe if anyone told me they didn’t enjoy such a hit as this.  So hit play and treat your ears.

Debut EP, Girls, is due out October 16th via Frenchkiss Records.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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