New Video Featuring The Sunny Pop Of Chorusgirl

chorusgirlLondon’s Chorusgirl released their album not too long ago at the beginning of November, and from that album, today they’ve shared a rad little music video for the track, “Dream On, Baby Blue.” This track is a bright and airy dreamy pop song that’s got enough sunshine in it to bring you back to warmer days (even though it’s not that cold here in the ATX). You can watch the quirky music video below, and be sure to pick up a copy of their debut album here, as they are clearly cranking out some good tunes.



Fortuna Pop Brings You Chorusgirl

Chorusgirl_Close_up_Blue_webToday’s the day when I get to count on reliable labels I adore to bring us great new tunes, such as this brand new single from Chorusgirl. There’s a definitive nostalgic nod, as mentioned in the band’s bio (Lush/The Cure), but I see the group fitting right alongside acts like Eternal Summers. You’ve got guitar work swirling around the vocals, all the while the rhythm section propels the song forward, giving the track a juxtaposition between brooding and shimmering joy. You’ll be able to grab their debut album from Fortuna Pop on November 13th.

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