Last Week’s Jams (8.26 – 8.30)

Sorry for taking Monday off, but even us little guys need a break from time to time. But, here we are to remind you of the great stuff we covered last week, with some absolute bangers you’ll have in your ear for the rest of the day/week/year. I absolutely love the Miners tune that kicks things off, with a quick jangling follow up from Young Scum right behind it. And to be honest, the Pop Filter tune had me in my feelings all weekend long, so be sure you stick to the end of that track. Some nods to new releases from Easy Sleeper, Mint Field, Stinako and Shady Cove also made it into our weekly suggestions. Oh, and as if all this wasn’t enough, you have to dip your toes in the new Dummy and Nothing Natural singles, doing the Cali subset proud.

Friday Album Streams: Plastic Factory, Mint Field, Easy Sleeper and More

I expect the next few months to be pretty heavy with releases, so we may as well just dive right in and try to find our favorite records, right? This week we’ve got some solid suggestions to spend time with, and a few that I’m sure are just beneath the cool kid radar, so be sure to sample a bit of what’s below. It’s Friday and I’m behind, so I’m just jumping right in!

Mint FieldAprender a Ser: Extended (Felte)

StinakoBody EP (Soliti)

Shady CovePart II (Self Released)

EnumclawHome In Another Life (RFC Records)

Easy Sleeper A Sacred Way of Living (Self-Released)

Plastic FactoryForgotten Dreams (Self-Released)

Last Week’s Jams (6.10 – 6.14)

Consider yourselves lucky! Three of the song’s I wrote about didn’t make DSPs yet, otherwise, you’d have a two hour playlist of joy to listen through today. Luckily, Australia was keeping it real, with new stuff from The Male Gays, Pop Filter, Kosmetika and Alluvial Nuggets all gracing the site. There was some Austin show coverage too, namely Mikky & the Doom and Adrianne Lenker, so jams from those acts get included. On the personal tip, I was really pulling for the Manners Manners and Nightshift to be big hits out there in the scene, with this new Parallel tune right behind it! There’s also some expansive jams too from the likes of Immersion and Nap Eyes, if you need a tune over 5 minutes for your life. Enjoy.

Enumclaw Sign with Run For Cover Records

There’s just something about the songs Aramis Johnson writes for Enumclaw that have the perfect balance between emotional indie rock and punchy rock. Their latest single, accompanying the announcement of a new album and their singing to RFC, encompasses that tightrope act, walking between these thoughtful moments that would fit on any modern playlist, all before bursting into these riff-oriented crashing waves; it forces you to find your footing emotionally, while also indicating the joyous nature that coincides with Johnson’s songwriting. Home in Another Life will drop on August 30th.

Enumclaw Shares Free Drop Billy Video

Every time I listen to Enumclaw it just feels so freeing. There’s no bullshit or pretense, its just the band kind of banging out their own rock n’ roll brand, falling somewhere in between the fuzzy riffs of Wavves and any number of post-punk bands. Listening through to their latest single, it’s all about that bass line, bobbing and weaving beneath a wall of distortion as Aramis Johnson exclaims “I don’t wanna be a loser.” So sure, the band has goals, aims, but they’re also coming to the table with this tenacity that says, here’s our heavy rock tunes, and we’re just going to do it on our terms in our way…and right now, that seems like a whole lot of fun. Their EP, Jimbo Demo is out on April 30th via Youth Riot Records.

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