Adam J. Cook Preps Debut Solo Effort


Those of you who’ve followed our site might recognize the songwriting chops of Adam J. Cook, as he was formerly a member of Austin’s Genuine Leather. But, he’s currently bucked the trend and moved the other way, heading out to LA to craft his debut, Attack Formation. His lead single takes on the style of casual pop, just working on perfecting the internal hooks of the song, while throwing out a relaxed pace and repeated lyrical lines. It’s the sort of tune you’ll play at work today, and the guy in the cubicle next to you will pop his head over and ask you who you’re listening to…so go ahead, listen.

Austin Spotlight: New Single from Genuine Leather

genwineThe last we heard from Genuine Leather was the group’s second album, Losers, but they’re back today with a crisp bit of guitar pop to help make your day.  If, like me, you love a good bit of guitar work, then this is going to be the perfect song for you.  They’re definitely  nostalgically leaning riffs, with a bit of crunch working to aid the hook in the vocal chorus.  There’s no word yet as to whether this single is a one-off or if it’s prepping for the group’s next release…expect us to keep you updated on that front in the near future.

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The Weekend Update: ATX Show Previews

austiniloveyouWell, we’re rolling into the dreaded holiday weekend that haunts a lot of people, but what better way to spend your Valentines Day by watching a great show, either with your loved one, or finding one.  There’s tons going on this weekend, so I wanted to spotlight a few shows you should look into.  Dinner and flowers are dumb; rock n’ roll is the way to go. Read more to find out where you should be.

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Austin Spotlight: Genuine Leather Release New Single

TheEnemyWe’ve encouraged you to listen to Genuine Leather before, the project of Chris form Gorgeous Hands, but if you haven’t taken heed, then perhaps this new single is going to be the perfect one to get you on the train. It takes aim right at the heart of pop songwriting, and succeeds without a doubt.  The sound of the guitar strumming as the track chugs along really reminds me of the purity that exists in good composition.  No word as of yet whether or not this is going to appear on an upcoming album, or just float on as a great single, but you should talk a listen regardless.


Download: Genuine Leather – The Enemy [MP3]

Friday’s Local Austin Gigs!

austin-skyline-mark-weaverWe’ve been working harder this year on being sure we get more coverage going, not just internationally, but locally as well.  With that in mind, I wanted to point out a couple of shows that are desperately seeking your attendance on Friday night, in case you didn’t have plans. These shows all offer a bit of different sounds, but each features some of our favorite local acts, so be sure to do your best to support our local scene.  Or, you could go see Widespread Panic.  Seems like an easy choice to me, but it’s your life! Here’s my suggestions on what to hit up:

Flesh Lights, Church Shoes, Sweat Lodge, Ghost Dance, John Schooley @ Hotel Vegas – Doors are at 9 PM – $6

Junior Prom, The Laughing, Migrant Kids @ Holy Mountain – Doors are at 8 PM – Cheap

Genuine Leather, Ponderosa, The Hereticks @ The Parish Underground – Doors are at 8 PM – Cheap

The Couch, Letting Up Despite Great Faults, Major Major Major @ The Blackheart – Doors are 8 PM – FREE!

Here are some jams by Letting Up to get you in the mood.


Austin Spotlight: Genuine Leather

Gen_Leath_Band_2I sort of feel like there’s not been a lot of music coming out from Austin, so I was more than excited when I got this brand new tune from Genuine Leather.  The new single has this calming pop attitude, but there’s clearly more going on in the track than one would first hear.  It took me a couple of times to really take to heart the rolling drum beat and the incredible harmonies, though I was hooked on the song from the get-go. They’re finishing up their final touches on a forthcoming LP, but if you’re digging what you hear, they’ll be playing at the Mohawk this evening after the Unknown Mortal Orchestra show.  I’m so impressed with this tune, that I encourage you to all get on board as we support another great local act.

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Austin Spotlight: Genuine Leather

The_Viper_600pxIt’s always nice to start off the week with something catchy and fresh, so I figured this new hit from Austin’s Genuine Leather is the perfect way to get thing started.  The band is currently in the studio working on their upcoming LP, and this is our first taste.  It’s got crunchy guitar work to get things moving in the right direction, and the delivery of the vocals have this innate hook that encourages you to get down with the band. This track is perfect for wrapping up your summer with fun times, so make sure you include it in your next hit list.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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