New Single And Video From Lea Porcelain

I’m looking to shake things up a bit today with this unique and creative new single from Berlin based Lea Porcelain. When I say shaking things up, I simply mean a song like “A Year From Here” is a little different when compared to things I normally post. Here me out though, as this song is truly beautiful and trance inducing. I also find the track mellowing me out as we speak with it’s droning effect and repetitive rhythms. Check out the new single with accompanying video below. You’ll be glad you did.

Debut album Hymns to the Night is coming on June 16th.

Enjoying This Lokomoko Track

This warbly bit of pop music from Lokomoko is helping me get geared up for the week. It’s reminiscent of bits of MGMT, though there are some added elements that I can’t quite place (aside from obvious psych nods). What I like is that the band seem relaxed in their approach to songwriting, sitting back and letting the song come through via carefully played guitar notes. It’s got a light touch to it, which gives way to the song’s natural pop aesthetic. They’ve got a debut EP titled Harold Weir coming your way soon, but for now, just get yourself acquainted here.

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Pleased to Meet You: Nunofyrbeeswax

nunofyrbeeswaxWhen bands hit you up via a recommendation of one of your favorites, then you know you’ve done something right. That’s basically how Nunofyrbeeswax came into my view, bringing with them a brand of lo-fi punk rock. On their latest album, On Everything, they walk the line between spasticrock and classic post-punk. They employ knife-like angular guitar cuts, call-and response vocals and always fueled by their own infectious energy. The band is also part of a group called The Fingers, so that gives you yet another great act to spend your time with…two great bands, one quick post. Click play below, and have a little fun with your rock n’ roll today.

SXSW Interviews: Still Parade

stillWhen we start looking at all the bands on the SXSW lineup, it’s sometimes hard to decipher everything and find quality acts. Need not worry though, ATH will help you out in that department as much possible as we lead up to the festival. We’re continuing things today with another interview, this time from Berlin based Niklas Kramer and his project known as Still Parade. Click the jump for more from Kramer.

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Indiepop Delight from The Golden Eaves

goldenI claim no discovery points on these tunes from The Golden Eaves, as it was pointed in my direction by one of the many purveyors of great indiepop. But, I’m so glad I came across it today; it fits perfect with the foggy morning that’s rolled into Texas. It’s all about melody with this German act, allowing for the understated vocal tones to shine and mesh with the seemingly Western guitar sounds. I’m not going to lie, but there’s an awful lot of Belle and Sebastian allusions in here, especially with the way the lyrics were written…and that’s never a bad thing in my book. Look for the No Other 7″ now!

Pleased to Meet You: Planeausters

12074718_978261268881610_1371167170739871064_nI’m not sure how late I am to this party, as the work seems to just recently have been released, but the songs below have been floating around for a wee bit…so I’m late. But, that being said, I think anyone who listens to the two tracks below is likely to become just as enamored with Planeausters as I am. The first tune has a bit of a Papercuts feel, sending warmth through the speakers to your ears. The latter is one of the new tracks on the band’s new album, Humboldt Park, which takes on a more traditional Americana vibe of the best sort. Go give these tunes a listen, if you know what’s good for you.

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Interesting Pop From Ms. John Soda

Andreas Staebler_2I’ve always been a fan of slightly weird or different sorts of pop music and this new track from German duo Ms. John Soda is right up my alley.  It’s electronic in nature I suppose with elements of great boy/girl duo Beach House, but with a brighter and almost sunny feel.  Check out interestingly titled “Hero Whale” below and let us know what you think.

Pick up new album Loom on October 2nd via Morr Music.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Haze Pop From Shoreline Is

Right around this time last year, I was heavy into the haze pop/shoe gaze movement and my tastes at the time were epitomized with German based outfit Shoreline Is.  Well low and behold, summer puts me in that dreamy mood again, and the boys from Shoreline Is inform me that their debut LP Deal Kindly is finally ready to go.  It’s streaming in full over on their bandcamp page, but you can check out a new single from the band called “Feel Some” below to gauge your interest.  I can assure that the whole album is just as dreamy as this tune.


Download: Shoreline Is – Feel Some [MP3]

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