Good Morning Following the Australian Path

gmFeel like someday I should just up and move to Australia; I seem to be far too in love with the sounds of the country, particularly those around Melbourne. Which, it just so happens, is where Good Morning hail from. The band is the newest hot commodity, receiving praise from all sorts of media, and some guy named Tyler the Creator. Guitars have that little twinkling twang and the vocals seems to take on that lackadaisical warmth I adore. If this is your first taste of the group, look for more on their Glory EP slated for a release in February.

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Sorry I Missed This: New Video From Good Morning

11893967_1594501650814963_6830838395350050836_oWhat seems like a long while ago now, I introduced you to the sleepy lo-fi of Melbourne’s Good Morning. It’s been a few months, and it seems that the band has a new music video that they premiered over at The Guardian last week. While I’m sorry to have missed bringing you that video last week, I’m pleased to be able to share with you the silly video today, which features a great tune as well. “Time To Try (Again)” has this band again showing why they should be on your to watch list; the jangly guitars, soft vocals, and subtle percussion all combine to make for a good Wednesday jam.


Sleepy Lo-Fi Track From Good Morning

0005442881_10When I stumbled upon this track, at first I didn’t really know what to think about it, as it starts out incredibly slow and kind of just stays in that low place, but there was something about it that kept me coming back to listen to it more and more. “You,” from these Melbourne gentlemen that call themselves Good Morning, is the perfect combination of jam and chill. You see, the guitars have this sort of zen jangle to them, just distorted enough with twang but arranged in such a way that you are lulled into a trance by their constant motion. Then there are the vocals, which are just as distorted, but   ever so delicate. Check out the track below and be sure to listen to “On The Street” as well from the band over here.

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