Grado Gives You Quiet Folksy Bliss

grado-musicIt sounds like there is quite the interesting story behind Grado, the project of Michael Bloss, who currently lives in East Anglia and is making beautiful indie folk. According to his website, Bloss has spent the last six yearsliving in cities around Europe, and the name Grado comes from two cities in Italy and Spain that share the same title and influenced him greatly in his travels. This track, “Graveyard Shift” is an example of the kind of delicate blend of acoustic guitar and wispy vocals that Bloss channels into his craft. More than that, this song alludes to the excellent storytelling that you can expect on his self titled debut,Grado, which looks like comes out today. Take a listen and then go pick up that album.


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Another Gem from Jeremy Jay

JeremyJayLondonTreesYep, the last few months have scattered hits from Jeremy Jay, and this one is another that spread around yesterday.  But, I don’t care; Jeremy’s been really kind to us, and really important to my listening habits over the last several years, so I’m going to give you yet another new tune.  This track appears on Abandoned Apartments, which comes out on January 21st via K Records.  It’s a song that fits in perfectly with the record, and it’s definitely one of the standout tracks.  He’s pulled back a bit on the electronics, hiding them lower in the mix, which allows listeners to really connect with his striking voice.  Personally, I like the discordant noise push that comes in the latter half of the song, but anything he touches is likely to make me happy.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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