Another Great Single From Green Buzzard

11143221_1003716082980586_3902300117631155609_nA little bit back in the summer time I shared this single from Australia’s Green Buzzard with y’all and today I’m excited to give you another alternative track that is making me think of The Stone Roses for some reason. “Slow It Down Now” starts out with this super twangy guitar riff, which also packs a bit of grunge to its sound as well and the song slowly transitions into a full on rock tune. I’m also digging the psych influenced distortion on the vocals as well as the steady drums that even it all out. Take a listen.


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Green Buzzard Combine Lo-Fi and Alternative

greenbuzzardWhen wading through all the fresh tracks on the internet sometimes you find some good tunes buried in the mix. This track, “Zoo Fly” from Green Buzzard, is a great example of such a find, and it combines that good old 90’s alternative sound with the lo-fi sound that’s become so popular as of late. These Aussies are getting ready to release this single as a 7″ on August 21st through Mermaid Avenue Records. You can watch the music video for this track here. 

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