Austin Spotlight: The Zoltars Are Back

the-zoltarsI feel sorry for those in Austin that aren’t hip to the Zoltars.  They might seem unassuming, but the vision of Jared Zoltar has kept the band crafting infections pop songs that deserve your attention.  And now, the band are returning with their 3rd LP, which, based on this single, should be a delight for listeners in our town and beyond. I dig the swagger that pervades this tune; it sounds like Jared’s on to something cool that you want to be part of.  They’re going the self-titled route for this effort, so look for that LP (and buy it) when Happenin Records tosses it out on February 24th.

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Another Holy Youth Ditty

holyierJust last week I wrote about the pop tunes of Holy Youth, and this time they’ve got an even softer approach to their songwriting that might win over listeners.  It’s interesting, as there’s multiple textures working together, though they seem to approach a point of cacophony…you know distorted guitars working against bright angular tones and such.  Personally, the vocal touch on this song is immediately more appealing (though I grew to like the vocals on the previous single), which I think will go along way for listeners. Don’t forget that Happenin Records will be releasing the group’s self-titled album on October 14th.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

More New Music From White Laces

night33_white_lacesRichmond based White Laces came on to my radar earlier this month and I’ve enjoyed what the band is bringing music wise.  They fashion their own brand of experimental rock music with a touch of atmosphere thrown in for good measure.  Start paying attention to these guys as they rise through the ranks of the indie world.

Once again, White Laces have a new album entitled Trance coming out on October 7th via Happenin Records.

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Sorry I Missed This: New Holy Youth

youthA little bit ago I got this jam from Holy Youth, but I got sidetracked, forgetting how much I was hooked on the song.  The vocals threw me for a loop early on in my listens, but the guitar was just so damn catchy that I couldn’t get it out of my head.  I returned today with a bit of a fresh ear, realizing that the youthful approach to the recording of the vocals didn’t really strike me as all that odd, considering other things I’ve been jamming to this year.  So, with that in mind, I suggest you give this a good couple of listens, and you’ll be hooked too. Look for their self-titled debut via Happenin Records on October 14th.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Music From White Laces

White-Laces-Press.180948.124220I’m not sure how I plan on labeling it, but this new track from White Laces is really getting my head nodding today.  One could maybe associate them with acts like War on Drugs with the ability to rock out just a little more.  Whatever you want to call it, this is a track that is surely worth a few listens today.

White Laces have a new album called Trance due out October 7th on Happenin Records.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Music from Horrible Houses

horriblehouses5.143644I do not know much about Daniel Johnsson other than he’s the man behind the music of Horrible Houses.  Really, I don’t need much other than that, as this new single from his up-coming release is so remarkable that I’d be remiss if I didn’t share it with you as soon as possible. It’s got this frolicking folk feel to it, though blended through a bit of a lo-fi edge.  There’s even this really quiet touch at the back end of the song near the 3 minute mark where you’re just listening to a man and his intricate guitar work while the vocals slowly work their way in.  This is in my top songs of the year, today. You can grab his new release Family Tapes Vol. 3 in December from Happenin Records.


Download: Horrible Houses – Sun Leaving [MP3]

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