Bops of the Week for July 12- 16

Here we go again my friends, starting off another week, and what better way than to have a nicely curated collection of great tunes from last week for your ears. A few strong singles with album announcements like Hovvdy‘s new tune, as well as a few jams from some of our favorite records that came out last week, like Wojtek the Bear and Always You. Plus, as always, we’re all over the map taste-wise, so you get a little of everything, but starting off with that ridiculously glorious Cindy tune from their forthcoming 1:2 LP. Happy Monday folks!

Hovvdy Announce True Love

I’m sure by the time I post this tune that it’ll likely already be everywhere, but we’ve got to represent the ATX and Hovvdy, right? For me, this track, and possibly the whole of the record, feels very Austin at the moment, both musically and thematically. Musically speaking, the band employ good strum work and overlapping melodies in their vocals to craft this blistering pop vibe that sort of radiates prismatic colors though your speakers. Message-wise, the tune seems to hit at this exhaustion we’ve all faced the last few years, but how reliance upon loved ones has been able to carry us through…whether that’s a partner, friend or family. Expect the band’s True Love LP to be a huge success, dropping October 1st via Grand Jury.

Brand New Track from Hovvdy

I have to applaud Charlie and Will as of late; they’ve updated their approach to songwriting (which wasn’t bad, mind you), taking some chances with their craft. So, here we have Hovvdy living their best in a guitar/drums free world, though there is a percussive loop employed to provide the song with a little depth. Still, this one’s more about the vocals, kind of letting the gravity of their lyrics sink into the listener. All the little nuances, like the overlapping vocals and slight ambient blossoms from beneath stay perfectly in the distance, knowing their place in the presentation of song. Still no word on a new LP, but definitely fun to watch these two explore their work.

Collection of Best of Austin for 2019

Clearly, based on the name of our site, we’re always down to represent Austin, and while I feel like releases were down in the city this year, there was tons of great stuff to be devoured. Rather than rank and file our friends; we’re just here to uplift the scene, and maybe remind you of some Texas music that might have (it shouldn’t!) slipped under your radar. Black Pumas got the deserved love, but there’s tons bubbling beneath the surface. I mostly broke it into labels, as they’re the heart and soul of this city. Comes with a fancy playlist.

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Nathan’s Top Austin Albums of 2018

In the year’s end, those who “write” about music claim our superior tastes by spouting off about our favorite releases. I figured I should start off all the shenanigans with a list from our home base, Austin, Texas. Below you’ll find a list of my favorite releases from the confines of our fair city.

Let it be known that we released albums by Marmalakes, Feverbones and David Israel (and an EP by Blushing), but those will not make this list for the sake of favoritism…though they’d all obvious take the top spot…duh. Read more

Another Tune from Hovvdy

Austin’s kicking some ass this week…Marmalakes, Loma, Little Mazarn and now another track from Hovvdy. This one is another slow burner, akin to the early 00s post rock scene…think of a weird meld between American Football and Bedhead. It’s impressive how they take the most relaxed approach; this song burns like a smoldering fire, warm but always seemingly near its end. Each continued play only brings the song nearer to you, giving you a gift you’ll take with you for the foreseeable future. They’ll release Cranberry on February 9th via Double Double Whammy.

Hovvdy Drop New Video

After the much deserved success with Taster, Hovvdy are ready for you to be fall in love with their new work. Oddly, their new work sounds like a classic throwback to late 90s/early 00s indie rock…thinking of slow-core acts like American Football crashing into Death Cab’s early affairs…maybe with a hint of the Wrens soft-pop underbelly; those are compliments in my book. From the slight rise in vocal tones at the end of the note to the song’s steadied pacing, everything here has purpose, has meaning. The band drop their new album Cranberry on February 9th via Double Double Whammy; sit back and watch them ascend into indie stardom.


Show Preview: Hovvdy, Pupppy, Thelma, Caroline Says @ The Mohawk (07.19)

12622520_1685149471764317_5094574804238702674_oThe heat is really glaringdown on all of us in the ATX, but if there’s one thing that can surely make everyone feel a little better, and that’s a night of high quality pop music from two local and two traveling bands gracing the indoor stage at the Mohawk. The night should be a burst of well crafted tunes, as this bill is stacked. You get the local love of Caroline Says and her melancholically simplistic tunes. Thelma will have you swooning with her angelic cherub folk pop and crisp vocals. Pupppy are sure to spice up the night with their eclectic brand of alt-pop with a hint of rock. And Hovvdy are making waves all around our town with their fuzzy lo-fi magic. All this is going down at the Mohawk tomorrow night and you can attend for under 10 dollars…you’d be a fool not to be there!

Get tickets and see door timeshere.

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Hovvdy Making Huge Waves

hovvdyAustin bands are a dime a dozen, but you’ve got to have something special to break beyond the confines of the city. It appears that Hovvdy have accomplished done that, blasting thing single all over the world rather quickly (15K listens in a matter of days!). You’ve got to be proud, as an Austinite, but you’ve also got to take note if you’re living beyond. The act is working with Merdurhaus and Sports Day Records, both reputable voices in the void, to release their debut, Taster on April 15th. Take a listen to what it’s all about, as these guys won’t be looking back.

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ATX SPotlight: Hovvdy Release Split Tape w/ Loafer

hovvdyMerdurhaus Records are quickly making a name for themselves, releasing great tapes of some of the most promising young acts in town, such as Loafer and Summer Salt.  This week, they’re celebrating another release, which is a split between the previously mentioned Loafer and Hovvdy.  The Hovvdy jam is a quick little number, played out over synthesized beats with a hazy guitar part; it’s the sort of bedroom pop that’s made the style so endearing over the last few years.  They’ll both be playing this evening to celebrate the release of the tape over at Cheer Up Charlies, so sample and make a choice.

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