The heat is really glaringdown on all of us in the ATX, but if there’s one thing that can surely make everyone feel a little better, and that’s a night of high quality pop music from two local and two traveling bands gracing the indoor stage at the Mohawk. The night should be a burst of well crafted tunes, as this bill is stacked. You get the local love of Caroline Says and her melancholically simplistic tunes. Thelma will have you swooning with her angelic cherub folk pop and crisp vocals. Pupppy are sure to spice up the night with their eclectic brand of alt-pop with a hint of rock. And Hovvdy are making waves all around our town with their fuzzy lo-fi magic. All this is going down at the Mohawk tomorrow night and you can attend for under 10 dollars…you’d be a fool not to be there!
Get tickets and see door timeshere.
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