Last Week’s Jams, Today (September 20 – 24)

Here we are kicking off another great week in life, am I right? We wanted to start your Monday with a glance over our shoulders at last week’s hits. I think we covered some pretty great stuff last week, some of which you might have only been able to find through us, some of it you just need to be sure you check out. Love the new Ovlov track, and can’t stop playing this Smallgoods album; you’d also do well to visit that Japan Review tune too! Tons of different vibes, which is always our vibe. Have a good week loves.

Last Week in Music, Today

We like to look back on Mondays, reflect on some jams we got to enjoy over the last week, particularly because its fun to see if they’ll have the longevity and make their way into the every day rotation. Plus, sometimes people just like it easy, so you can just stream all these songs and see what we wrote about last week. There were definitely some solid tunes from last week, with tons of Austin acts getting love (Big Bill, Gabe Hascall, Alexalone, Emily Wolfe), plus the usual fascination with what’s hot in Australia from Skydeck and Dag. Give it a stream, see if it fits your fancy!

The Deathray Davies Share Oh Stars

It’s been nearly fifteen years since the Deathray Davies have dropped a new LP, but we’re now only a few short weeks away from the release of Time Well Wasted. Still, all the core members of the band have stayed plenty active, which suffice to say, keeps the band sounding as sharp as ever. They’ve built this song around some angular guitar riffs, and while those cut quick and hard, they’re also super fast, which works in direct contrast with the sort of melancholy of the vocals. Sort of feels like they’re churning out some classic post-punk vibes, only woven together with some ballad-like tendencies. Forgot how much I really enjoyed this band, so we’re stoked to see what’s in store when the LP drops on February 12th.

Gim Kordon Drop New Jam

You know by now that I’m super into the Finnish scene, right? Well, I owe that entirely to my friend Nick, who at one point worked with Gim Kordon on his own Soliti label. But, the band’s own Aleksi has started a new label titled All That Plazz, who will be releasing future music from GK…for now they’re teasing that with a new single. This has a great 90s college rock feel to it, kind of hints at scuzzy, but plays a bigger role with a huge pop sensibility; its the sort of sound that wouldn’t be far out of line with a Merge or Sub Pop, particularly in the late 90s…so you know everyone here is on board. We’ll keep you posted on more, but just wanted to have you dip your toes in some jams from overseas.

Raw New Track From Jacqueline Tucci

Little is known about Toronto based musician Jacqueline Tucci at this point since she is brand new to world of online music. She’s so new to the scene in fact that this new single called “Fear” is actually her debut of original material. Exciting! It’s a rather bass heavy, raw, and emotionally driven track with honest lyrics and well timed drums and guitars. It’s a truly promising debut from this young artists. Stay tuned for more as we receive it and check say hi to Jacqueline on bandcamp now.

Bright Number From Eldren

Now that we’ve emerged from the madness of festival weekends one and two, it’s time yet again to start sharing some music with you fine folks. Today I am pleased to be back in the new music world with this new song called “Oh, Wait” from Denver based outfit Eldren. It features a lovely bit of indie rock music with an Americana/folk flair akin to a band like Dr. Dog or even Foreign Born. It’s a perfect fit to improve my mood on this dark and dreary day in ATX. Enjoy.

Tincho Do It Again

Man I think this Seattle band Tincho is really doing something special right now and will likely be growing in fame over the coming months. The band’s soon to be released album, Home Today, will be looked upon as one of the best and most progressive full lengths of the year. Their sound takes old familiar indie rock sounds like Foreign Born or Beach Fossils, and then puts a more modern twist on things with a mature, yet energetic vibe. Don’t believe me? While you can’t get your hands on the full album just yet, today the band shared another single from the record called “Jet-Puffed Marshmallow”. It’s a stunner.

Home Today will be released on September 13th. Pre-orders are live now.

[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=2073084675 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 artwork=none]

Fun Rocker from Johnny and the Man Kids

Sometimes you just want to kick start Wednesdays with something fun and rocking; I think I always want to kick hump day off that way. So here we are with Johnny & the Man Kids; they’re playing that infectious brand of indie rock that’s build for energetic shows and emphatic performances. The vocals encourage frivolity with just the right amount of hook bopping along to the rhythm section; it almost sounds like the band grew up jamming to the Strokes. This tune appears on the You Made Me Hurt EP, which just came out courtesy of Admirable Traits Records.

Jam This Shop Regulars EP

I owe the entire listening experience of Shop Regulars to the Woolen Men, who made a nod to the band’s brand new EP, produced by their own Raf. It’s a weird listen, in the best way, as there’s really no way to define the group’s sound…possibly the best compliment I can give. There’s rolling sharp chords that seem almost punk-ish, though they seem a bit crunchier and spastic at times. In the vocal delivery, you get something that, to me, seems very much of the Pacific Northwest, coming across as more spoken word poetry than singing of any sort. I think “7 Winds” is currently my favorite, and perhaps one of the more exploratory pieces of indie rock I’ve come across. Go ahead, get a little off the beaten track with Shop Regulars.

Nice Indie Pop From LKFFCT

It’s been one hell of a long time since I’ve heard anything from New Jersey based boys LKFFCT. Apparently over the years they’ve been honing their craft in basements and small venues all over the New Jersey and east coast area. Well today I’m pleased to be sharing this new single from the boys entitled “Anesthesia”. It’s a nice bit of indie pop music that meanders a bit between straight and easy pop music, but then hits you in the face with some crazy electric guitar solos throughout. Well done guys.

LKFFCT will release Dawn Chorus on October 6th via Sniffling Indie Kids.

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