The New Pornographers – Brill Bruisers

c0c1c6baRating: ★★★½☆

When it comes to indie rock super groups, you really can’t beat the likes of The New Pornographers. Making music together since 1999, this Canadian band consists of the best of the best, each of which have their own successful career be it alone or with another band. There’s Carl “A.C” Newman, Dan Bejar, Neko Case, and Kathryn Calder, just to name off a few, but let’s be honest: you should probably know who this band is as they’ve been around for longer than a decade and Brill Bruisers makes for their sixth full length release. Though it is sixth in a line of solid releases, by no means does it feel trite or banal—The New Pornographers have managed to do it once again.

With a band that is a culmination of so many great individual artists, I’m always flummoxed as to how this group can create a cohesive sound for their group. Sure, different artists take the lead on a track-to-track basis, incorporating their own styles, but Brill Bruisers manages to come together fairly easily. From opening title track to the last and glittering “You Tell Me Where,” the group hits their stride multiple times and gives you some great tunes.

I think it partially depends on which lead vocalist you like the best that will leads you to your favorite numbers. There’s Newman’s opening “Brill Bruisers,” which kicks the album off en medias res with the groups shimmery indie rock; the percussion is essentially all cymbal, the guitars’ blend in with the mix, synthesizers wander around through the song and the vocals of Newman lead you fearlessly through these airy walls of sound. Of course, he’s not alone, you get a lot of gang vocals singing back up through the whole song, which gives it an even lighter, poppier feeling. Later on you get Bejar’s unmistakable warbling vocals up to bat on “War On The East Coast,” which happens to be my favorite track on the record. The track seemingly makes comment on today’s general feeling of chaos and disarray—“look what we’re living in.” While the track rages on in full fury of to a build at the end, the choral hook has Bejar crooning “Oh, I don’t care, I don’t care,” making you want to scream right along with him, even if the sentiment is apathy, it’s still relatable. However, it’s not just the tracks with an outright lead vocal that will get you falling for them. On the contrary, “Fantasy Fools,” has a shared lead vocal that elbows its way into your list of highlights as well.

Though there’s a lot to love on Brill Bruisers, for me the album doesn’t go above and beyond to give you a sound that you want to sing to the world about. Sure, you’ll come back and jam with this group of lovable indie-poppers now and again, but there’s just a little bit missing from this release to push it to the next level.

Austin Spotlight: The Villas

villasPRESSphotoA simple search on ATH with the terms The Villas will return quite a few hits spotlighting this Austin band.  That being said, you know that we’ve already given them the ATH stamp of approval long ago.  This new track “Natural Selection” is what I would call a classic and catchy indie-pop tune.  You won’t hear any crazy sort of experimental things going on here, just some great rockin’ pop sounds that will have you chanting along after a few listens.  Hope you enjoy.


Download: The Villas – Natural Selection [MP3]

Old School Indie Rock From Lo Fine

lofineI’ve been in a bit of an old school mood lately and this track “All We Need is Hell” from Lo Fine is keeping me in that mind set.  It’s a little on the slow side for you rock n roll fans, but I dig the throwback quality myself.  It reminds me of something we would have heard back in the day from bands like Nada Surf or Built to Spill.  These guys have been around for awhile so it’s no surprise that they’re hanging on to what they know best.

New album Want is a Great Need is due out November 15th.


Download: Lo Fine – All We Need Is Hell [MP3]

New Album from Twin Library

twinlibraryI like to spend my weekend searching the old Interwebs for great music that a lot of people have ignored, and I didn’t have to go too far to find Twin Library, who I’ve talked about before.  The group quietly released They Were Marked as Targets this weekend, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed spinning the record over the last few hours.  It’s really subtle indie rock with quiet melodies and memorable lyrics, making the perfect soundtrack for the gently sweeping change in Fall weather.  The band has been kind enough to offer up the album for the PWYW price, and as always, we suggest you donate something to keep great music coming our way.


Download: Twin Library – Range [MP3]

Enjoy Arthur Beatrice

arthurFirst, let’s focus on the fact that Arthur Beatrice isn’t a man, but rather an act from the UK.  Then we can focus on the music, which oddly resembles the beautiful pop that I typically associate with the Dears.  Yes, the vocals might be the reason why I lean that way, with that female vocal backing the soft croon.  Still, the pacing and the function of the track do pay homage to the more expansive brand of indie rock.  The group have just completed their debut record, which should find a release in early 2014.  I’ll keep you posted as we draw near that date.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

More New Music from TORCHES

tochesIf you’re looking for creative indie rock in the vein of Local Natives, or like-minded bands, then perhaps you should try on TORCHES.  While their sound has some striking similarities, it definitely is able to go off on it’s own spectrum, aided by the trading back and forth of male/female vocals harmonies.  Listening closely to this new tune, you can hear some percussive rim shots built in to aid in the song’s progression.  The group’s headed out on the road in a couple of week’s to promote the release of their If The People Stare EP, so be sure to see if they’re coming to your town.


Download: TORCHES – If the People Stare [MP3]

Indie Rock From Can’t Dance

cantdanceThis new song “Trust Issues” by Johnstown, PA group Can’t Dance is something you’d expect to hear during the underground indie  movement of the 90s.  Within the song, you can clearly hear that the young trio would likely call bands like Built to Spill or Pavement groups that influence their own sound.  As a fan of that era and most those groups, I’m getting behind this one and giving it my approval.

New EP Comfortably Dumb is out on June 18th.


Download: Can’t Dance – Trust Issues [MP3]

Friday Top 50: Albums of 2010

How on Earth can a site run by several individuals come to a consensus on Best Album of 2010? Well, you missed out on some arm-wrestling, 100 yard dashes and other circus-like shennanigans, but we finally narrowed it down…well, down to our Top 50. Listen, we know you probably don’t agree with all of this, I mean we completely left off Sleigh Bells, yet we worked hard to combine our various tastes into one list. Fee free to tell us where we went wrong, but we’re pretty stoked on the list we put together as a whole.

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