Indie Rock From Can’t Dance

cantdanceThis new song “Trust Issues” by Johnstown, PA group Can’t Dance is something you’d expect to hear during the underground indie  movement of the 90s.  Within the song, you can clearly hear that the young trio would likely call bands like Built to Spill or Pavement groups that influence their own sound.  As a fan of that era and most those groups, I’m getting behind this one and giving it my approval.

New EP Comfortably Dumb is out on June 18th.


Download: Can’t Dance – Trust Issues [MP3]

Friday Top 50: Albums of 2010

How on Earth can a site run by several individuals come to a consensus on Best Album of 2010? Well, you missed out on some arm-wrestling, 100 yard dashes and other circus-like shennanigans, but we finally narrowed it down…well, down to our Top 50. Listen, we know you probably don’t agree with all of this, I mean we completely left off Sleigh Bells, yet we worked hard to combine our various tastes into one list. Fee free to tell us where we went wrong, but we’re pretty stoked on the list we put together as a whole.

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